Database of closed projects
The proposal focuses on the integration of a number of codes in one single meta-system for Post-SCF calculations. The meta-system will include heterogeneous computers, geographically distributed at the partners' sites.
The H2020 ACROSS project will co-design and develop an HPC, BD, and Artificial Intelligence (AI) convergent platform, supporting applications in the Aeronautics, Climate and Weather, and Energy domains.
ACROSS will combine traditional HPC techniques with Artificial Intelligence, such as Machine Learning and Deep Learning, and Big Data analytic techniques to enhance the application test case outcomes.
The ADAM project will implement a diagnosis support component for melanomas early detection integrated into one widespread digital dermatoscopy system. The system should improve the sensitivity and specificity of a general practitioner using the system up to the level of a general dermatologist. The component architecture would allow easy integration into other systems and easy upgrade to new feature classifiers. More in detail the aim of this project is to develop, test and clinically validate real time DSC (called the ADAM components) for image analysis and the automatic diagnosis of CMM to be integrated into the DS Medica product: VIDEOCAP.
To perform Global Ocean data assimilation experiments with surface, subsurface and remotely sensed data, and to produce assimilated global data sets with several Data Assimilation Systems for intercomparison and cross-validation for the period 1980-1996.
AI4EU is the European Union’s landmark Artificial Intelligence project, which seeks to develop a European AI ecosystem, bringing together the knowledge, algorithms, tools and resources available and making it a compelling solution for users. Involving more than 70 partners, covering 21 countries, the €20m project kicked off in January 2019 and will run for three years.
AI4EU will unify Europe’s Artificial Intelligence community. It will facilitate collective work in AI research, innovation and business in Europe. By sharing AI expertise, knowledge and tools with the Platform, AI4EU will make AI available to all.
AIDA brings a transformational innovation to the analysis of heliophysics data.
Dynamic behaviors, simulations of the change of lighting, navigation in dynamic virtual environments, excavation GIS data.
Software: Vega Multigen Paradigm
To reach Exascale computing (1018 FLOPs), current supercomputers must achieve an energy efficiency “quantum leap” that allows this level of computation to be done at around 20 Megawatts. This will only be possible if we can target all layers of the system, from the software stack to the cooling system.
ANTAREX proposes a holistic approach capable of controlling all the decision layers in order to implement a self-adaptive application optimized for energy efficiency.
The digital terrain model with georeferencing of Etruscan tombs discovered during the second half of the Nineteenth century by Antonio Zannoni.
BioPharmaNet è un laboratorio a rete riconosciuto dalla Regione Emilia Romagna che svolge attività di ricerca ed innovazione per l'industria nel campo delle Scienze della Vita. Riunisce alte specializzazioni per lo sviluppo di prodotti innovativi per la salute umana ed animale nei settori biotecnologico, farmaceutico, genomico, della medicina rigenerativa e dell'e-health.
The project implements a practical approach to address the potential of cloud based open science to achieve a set of services identifying also longer term challenges to build and demonstrate the Pilot Blue Cloud as a thematic EOSC cloud to support research to better understand & manage the many aspects of ocean sustainability, through a set of five pilot Blue-Cloud demonstrators.
To demonstrate that Cellular Automata systems for the simulation of percolating process are tools suitable for a variety of applications.
During the Second World War, the province of Bologna witnessed a particularly bloody event: the massacre of Marzabotto. To preserve the memory of such a historic event an application about the slaughtering area was made and was connected to a database.
To honour the victims of the liberation struggle (1943-1945), the monumental ossuary dedicated to the fallen partisans and the Memorial to the partisans in Piazza Nettuno have been reconstructed to become a visual element of access to a rich multimedia relational database designed and developed by CINECA along with the 3D models.
The 3D reconstruction of the monument, and the cloister that houses it, provides the setting and reference to the world-historical event, passing through the commemoration of people who took part in the war.
The Third Cloister of the Certosa in Bologna hosts an important gallery of neo-classical works of art painted on the tombs and monuments housed under its arches.
The main objective of ChEESE is to establish a new Center of Excellence (CoE) in the domain of Solid Earth (SE) targeting the preparation of 10 Community flagship European codes for the upcoming pre-Exascale (2020) and Exascale (2022) supercomputers.
The CHIC project aims at developing cutting edge ICT tools, services and secure infrastructure to foster the development of elaborate and reusable integrative models (hypermodels) and larger repositories so as to demonstrate benefits of having both the multiscale data and the correponding models readily available. Although the broader VPH domain is the primary target of the hypermodelling infrastructure to be developed by CHIC, the primary application domain will be cancer and in silico oncology. In the mid and long term CHIC aims to pave the way for reliable in silico clinical trials, lying at the heart of the vision of in silico medicine, and subsequently for patient individualized treatment optimization based on in silico experimentation.
The project will provide a tool of visualization and analysis of astrophysical data coming both from observation and computer simualtions, based on the AstroMD. The aim is to build a software which can handle efficiently large datasets allowing both their graphical representation and analysis, responding to the requirements proposed by several research fields.
DARE wants to demonstrate the effectiveness of an INNOVATIVE DIGITAL-BASED AND CITIZEN-CENTRED GOVERNANCE APPROACH, aimed at facilitating, supporting & fastening the implementation & evaluation of the DARSENA (Ravenna) URBAN REGENERATION PROCESS, to be replied in other EU MIDDLE-SIZED CITIES.
The overall objective of the project is to perform observational studies and numerical simulations to investiagte and understand the nature of the decadal and interdecadal variability of the atmosphere-ocean system.
The project DEEP proposes to develop a novel, Exascale-enabling supercomputing platform along with the optimisation of a set of grand-challenge codes simulating applications highly relevant for Europe’s science, industry and society. The DEEP System will realise a Cluster Booster Architecture that will serve as proof-of-concept for a next-generation 100 PFlop/s production system.
The goal of DEEP-ER is to update the Cluster-Booster architecture introduced by the DEEP project and extend it with additional parallel I/O and resiliency capabilities. In DEEP-ER, Cluster and Booster nodes will be connected to a uniform network. Novel non-volatile memory technology will be tested at different architecture levels, building up a multi-level storage hierarchy. A software environment for parallel I/O and resiliency will be built upon this storage infrastructure. To recover applications after hardware failures, a multi-level checkpoint/restart mechanism using the available memory devices and a task-based recovery mechanism based on the OmpSs programming environment will be set up.
DEISA (Distributed European Infrastructure for Supercomputing Applications) è un consorzio europeo di centri di supercalcolo leader a livello nazionale.
Questa infrastruttura di ricerca del Sesto Programma Quadro della Comunità Europea ha l'obiettivo di creare e gestire una terascale supercomputing facility distribuita di importanza mondiale.
A questo scopo sarà attuata una profonda integrazione delle infrastrutture nazionali di High Performance Computing (HPC) già operanti, utilizzando le attuali tecnologie di grid. La potenza computazionale integrata sarà vicina ai 100 Teraflops al termine del progetto.
DEISA is a consortium of leading national supercomputing centres that currently deploys and operates a persistent, production quality, distributed supercomputing environment with continental scope. The main objective of this FP7 funded research infrastructure is to deliver a turnkey operational solution for a future persistent European HPC ecosystem, as suggested by ESFRI. This ecosystem will integrate national Tier-1 centres and the new powerful Tier-0 centres.
DICE aims to enable a European storage and data management infrastructure for EOSC, providing generic services and building blocks to store, find, access and process data in a consistent and persistent way.
The project will offer 14 state-of-the-art data management services together with more than 50 PB of storage capacity.
Development of an Interdisciplinary Round Table for Emerging Computer Technologies (DIRECT) provides a forum for organisations representing all classes of users of large scale computing and data centres to discuss future needs. Together,we address the role of emerging computer technologies, such as HPCN, in defining the future of scientific computing.
The project aims at demonstrating that HPCN-based Computer Assisted Drug Design dramatically improves the process of discovering new drugs that bind to biological macromolecules, with clear benefits for both the Pharmaceutical Industry and the whole social community.
Aiming to stimulate its members and partners to establish contacts with others active in their fields of interest, the Culturelink Network has developed the interactive, searchable Culturelink Members & Partners Database, providing its members and partners, as well as all other cultural professionals, with an efficient tool for establishing new ways of cooperation.
The objective of this Support Action, co-funded by the European Commission is to build a european vision and roadmap to address the challenges of the new generation of massively parallel systems composed of millions of heterogeneous cores which will provide multi-Petaflop performances in the next few years and Exaflop performances in 2020.
Embrace is a European bioinformatics network project that begins on February 1. It has received funding of 8.28 million euros from the European Commission for five years and involves 16 partners from 11 countries. Its goal is to standardize access to the vast quantities data from genome projects and their study methods so that researchers can consult it and use it easily.
Embrace will use a “grid technology” by which a large number of geographically separated computers work in a network to provide substantial storage and calculation capacity.
The European Middleware Initiative (EMI) is a close collaboration of the three major middleware providers, ARC, gLite and UNICORE, and other specialized software providers like dCache.
EMI contributed to the Higgs Boson discovery: View the video
The ENACTS Infrastructure Co-operation Network brings together 14 European organisations representing High Performance Computing centres and their users. Participants are drawn from across Europe and represent both traditional centres and smaller start-up centres. They also represent users of different classes of computers, from supercomputers to networked PCs. Through the Study Projects they undertake and through their General Meetings, they will work towards a European "Virtual Infrastructure" for all users of HPC. The broad spread of participants ensures that their findings will be relevant to all users and providers of services to the scientific computing community.
ENVRIplus is a Horizon 2020 project, aiming to create a more coherent, interdisciplinary and interoperable cluster of Environmental RIs across Europe, thus making their products and solutions easier to use with each other, improving the cost/benefit ratio of the RI operations and fostering holistic understanding of the Earth System processes and feedbacks.
Leveraging national initiatives of the EU Member States and thematic initiatives developed by research communities to help build an Open Science and FAIR data-based European Open Science Cloud (EOSC).
The European Processor Initiative (EPI) gets together 23 partners from 10 European countries, with the aim to bring to the market a low power microprocessor.
The EPI SGA1 project will be the first phase of the European Processor Initiative FPA (Framework partnership agreement), whose aim is to design and implement a roadmap for a new family of low-power European processors for extreme scale computing, high-performance Big-Data and a range of emerging applications.
The goal of the EPIGEN project is to understand how epigenetic mechanisms regulate biological processes, determine phenotypic variation and contribute to the onset and progression of diseases. The project is highly multidisciplinary and involves more than 40 italian research teams, working in close collaboration using a wide range of experimental models applying mainly genomewide approaches. The participants are all academic laboratories, based in research institutions from all over Italy, who share a commitment to perform cutting edge epigenomics research.
Il progetto ha l’obiettivo di ricondurre ad unità i percorsi di un patrimonio artistico oggi collocato nei più importanti musei europei e frutto della costante attività culturale della corte Estense a Ferrara. Si intende ricostituire quell’unità ideale di un patrimonio divenuto nei secoli bene comune europeo per restituire ad ogni singola opera il senso compiuto che si può comprendere solo attraverso la lettura del contesto che l’ha prodotta e attraverso la ricomposizione dell’intreccio di valenze che collegano ciascuna opera all’altra.
Cineca is member of EUDAT an European project, co-funded within the 7th Framework Programme. That will deliver a Collaborative Data Infrastructure (CDI) with the capacity and capability for meeting future researchers’ needs in a sustainable way.
EUDAT2020 builds on the foundations laid by the first EUDAT project, strengthening the links between the CDI and expanding its functionalities and remit. Covering both access and deposit, from informal data sharing to long-term archiving, and addressing identification, discoverability and computability of both long-tail and big data, EUDAT2020’s services will address the full lifecycle of research data.
EuHIT is a consortium that aims at integrating cutting-edge European facilities for turbulence research across national boundaries, in order to significantly advance the competitive edge of European turbulence research with special focus on providing the knowledge for technological innovation and for addressing grand societal challenges.
Europlanet RI, the Europlanet Research Infrastructure, is the four-year follow-on project to EuroPlaNet, a four-year Coordination Action supported by the European Union under the Sixth Framework Programme. The Europlanet RI was launched in January 2009. It is an Integrated Infrastructure Initiative (I3), ie. a combination of Networking Activities, Transnational Access Activities and Joint Research Activities.
EXCELLERAT is a European Centre of Excellence for Engineering Applications. EXCELLERAT is built from the established activities and synergies of three leading High Performance Computing centres in Europe who provide pioneering technology solutions and support to the European engineering community, including both academia and industry.
EXPLORIS’s main ambition is to make a significant step forward in the assessment of explosive eruption risk in highly populated EU cities and islands. The workplan proposed aims at making significant progress in each of the fundamental components determining volcanic risk: the volcanological scenario assessment, the numerical simulation of the eruptive processes, the vulnerability assessment, the quantification of the impact of the event on the surrounding buildings, infrastructures, and inhabitants, the probabilistic assessment of the risk.
The EXSCALATE4CoV (E4C) project aims to exploit the most powerful computing resources currently based in Europe to empower smart in-silico drug design. Advanced Computer-Aided Drug Design (CADD) in combination with the high throughput biochemical and phenotypic screening will allow the rapid evaluation of the simulations results and the reduction of time for the discovery of new drugs. Against a pandemic crisis, the immediate identification of effective treatments have a paramount importance.
The main goal of the project is the development of new bioinformatics utilities to be shared with the whole national and international scientific community. The utilities are to be developed using advanced technological tools.
Activities included in this project want to give a consistent support to biotechnological and pharmaceuticals companies and improve the capabilities of biomedical research in the understanding of molecular systems leading to genetic diseases.
Breast cancer is the leading cause of cancer morbidity in women, accounting for close to one fourth of all new cancer cases in the female population; one out of ten women is likely to develop breast cancer in her lifetime. The project will focus on the definition of a set of genes involved in human breast cancer that will serve as a basis for the design of a common microarray platform. The platform will be used by all partners for carrying out gene expression profiling experiments. A common database will be implemented where all data gathered on each individual gene under study will be stored and made accessible to all participant laboratories. In addition, a separate database will link patient and gene expression data.
Fortissimo is a collaborative project that will enable European SMEs to be more competitive globally through the use of simulation services running on a High Performance Computing cloud infrastructure. The project is coordinated by the University of Edinburgh and involves 45 partners including Manufacturing Companies, Application Developers, Domain Experts, IT Solution Providers and HPC Cloud Service Providers from 14 countries. The project is funded by the European Commission within the 7th Framework Programme and is part of the I4MS Initiative.
Fortissimo is a collaborative project that enables European SMEs to be more competitive globally through the use of simulation services running on High Performance Computing cloud infrastructure. The project is coordinated by the University of Edinburgh and involves 123 partners (74 SMEs) including Manufacturing Companies, Application Developers, Domain Experts, IT Solution Providers and HPC Cloud Service Providers from 14 countries. These partners are engaged in 53 experiments (case studies) where business relevant simulations of industrial processes are implemented and evaluated.
The main project result is a complete software environment for the estimation of the global risk indicator for the femoral neck fracture. In particular, the FRAFEM software has an execution time of about 5 minutes and so it is completely compatible with its insertion in the standard clinical workflow. This way the total visit duration will remain unchanged, reducing at minimum the impact on the hospital procedure. At the same time the software has achieved a high level of automation and repeatability improving the accuracy in the classification to 80%.
There is now increasing interest in off shore oil exploration along the edge of the European Continental Shelf, and in the interaction between shelf edge flows and the circulation of limited sea regions. Therefore there is a need for models which extend beyond the shelf edge and span both a part of the open ocean, the shelf edge and the shallow sea regions, which can be used to predict ocean currents and temperatures. Boundary conditions constrain limited area models of this type and will influence all parts of the shelf domain within a short period of time. Satellite data assimilated into larger domain open ocean models is probably the only way to provide better boundary conditions which will permit better and longer prediction of coastal and shelf flows.
Il progetto si propone la realizzazione di un Laboratorio Virtuale distribuito rivolto alla comunità clinico-scientifica regionale che svolge la sua attività nel campo della genetica e delle sue applicazioni terapeutiche.
Alla conclusione del progetto, il Laboratorio sarà a disposizione, inizialmente in ambito regionale, di altre realtà analoghe (clinici, di ricerca e applicativo-industriale) che siano interessate a sperimentarlo.
Il laboratorio apre un nuovo scenario nella frontiera regionale delle conoscenze utilizzabili a livello industriale per il settore dell'informatica, peraltro ampliamente rappresentato in regione, incrementando il contatto tra il mondo della ricerca e quello delle nuove professioni e delle nuove imprese.
The first 3D stereo HD movie created for a museum. The goal is to tell the story of Bologna with a cartoon, historically validated. Not just a movie but a 3D short film in which viewers can enjoy a journey through 2700 years of Bolognese history.
Halfway through the tour of Palazzo Pepoli, part of “Genus Bononiae - museums in the city”, an immersion room will show, besides the 3D movie of Apa, movies and stereoscopic real-time applications about the history of Bologna.
With more than 130 research institutions from Europe and around the world on board and hundreds of scientists in a myriad of fields participating, the Human Brain Project is the most ambitious neuroscience project ever launched. Its goal is to develop methods that will enable a deep understanding of how the human brain operates. The knowledge gained will be a key element in developing new medical and information technologies.
Through the use of High Performance Computing, Highlander will make it possible to process data for generating climate forecasts and reducing the risks associated with climate change, for a more intelligent and sustainable management of natural resources and the territory.
CMP market is perceived as a strategic segment, since gives to European SME such as Cremascoli Ortho a competitive advantage over large, US-based, multinational competitors, less flexible and less close to the end-user. Unfortunately, the design process actually used at Cremascoli Ortho CMP presents two major drawbacks. First, it is rather primitive from a technological point of view requiring excessive human effort which increase the final production cost. Second, the introduction of the new EC rules on medical devices makes inadequate the actual design verification process.
Hip-Op reads a CT dataset of the hip region and allow the surgeon to plan the type, the size and the position of the hip prosthesis that best fits into the patient anatomy. Scientists can also use the program to study bones morphometry or to develop computer models of intact and virtually operated bones.
Il Progetto HPC-Europa, coordinato dal CINECA, prevede un programma di accesso a sei infrastrutture di Supercalcolo di interesse nazionale in Europa. Il programma di accesso offre a post-doc, ricercatori e studiosi che operano in uno Stato della Comunità Europea, la possibilità di trascorrere un periodo di tempo fino a tre mesi presso uno di questi centri di Supercalcolo, per utilizzare le risorse computazionali necessarie alla popria attività scientifica e collaborare con i ricercatori. Il progetto è stato rifinanziato fino al 2012.
HPC-Europa2’s main objective is to maintain the persistency of high quality transnational access to the most advanced HPC infrastructures available in Europe for the European computational science community, as offered in the last two decades by the same consortium.
HPC-Europa3 aims at maintaining the persistency of a high quality service of transnational access to the most advanced HPC infrastructures available in Europe for the European research science community. European researchers could rely on the existence of such transnational access activity for almost two decades, and the main aim of this new innovative 3rd edition of HPC-Europa series is to fill the gap left in the four years since the end of the last initiative has ended.
HPCW is a consortium of 6 key-players in High Performance Computing all around the world [5 Supercomputing Centers (CINECA, BSC, FZJ, SDSC and BlueFern) plus GENCI, the French national agency in charge of HPC coordination], with the aim of performing an analysis and an assessment of the models used worldwide by the HPC centers and initiatives to manage the requests for allocation of resources coming from researchers and their communities.
As a centre for the application of supercomputing in interdisciplinary research activities, CINECA hosted Researchers from September 1998 through April 2000 so that European Researchers may make use of the resources and services here available. Later on the project got the name of HPC EUROPA
The ICEI project will realise key elements of the Fenix infrastructure, which aims at providing scalable compute and data services in a federated manner. The focus is to meet the computing infrastructure needs of the neuroscience community
Immunogrid will be able to simulate immune processes at natural scales and provide tools for applications in clinical immunology and for the design of vaccines and immunotherapies. The developed set of tools will be validated with experimental data and used in clinical applications for development of immunotherapies in cancer and chronic infections.
IoTwins: a unique and flexible platform for the creation of digital twins for industrial plants, a 20 million Euro European-funded project in which CINECA participates by providing its know-how in the field of big data analysis and in the definition of complex workflows on cloud and HPC systems. Within the project there will be 12 testbeds, each realizing a digital twin, the digitization of an industrial process, in order to optimize and improve its management.
Development of a real time processing system to assess the intra-operative stability of orthopaedic implants.
The project aim is to adapt the software components developed by IOR and B3C to build up a simulation environment supporting and improving the design of standard joint implants. The system will be composed by a 3D navigational environment allowing the designers to position their implant design in a reference anatomy represented by the CT data set. Once the bone-implant position is defined an automatic procedure, running on a remote HPC facility would automatically "fit" the implant design int oa database of human bones CT data sets.
LINCOLN (Lean Innovative Connected Vessels) is a 36 months H2020 project coordinated by Politecnico di Milano. LINCOLN is using innovative design methodologies and tools for the development of three types of completely new vessels concepts through dynamic simulation model testing in the maritime sector.
CINECA's task is to demonstrate feasibility of the 3 vessels concept implementing a fluid dynamics and structural simulation platform, powered by high performance computing,
MaX was born to support developers and end users of advanced applications for materials simulations, design and discovery, and works at the frontiers of the current and future High Performance Computing (HPC) technologies.
MaX is one of the eight ‘European Centers of Excellence for HPC applications’ supported by the EU.
The central goal of this study is the assessment of the internal variability at seasonal and inter-annual scales of the Mediterranean thermohaline circulation as induced by deep and intermediate water formation processes and the inflow/outflow system at Gibraltar.
MFS develops a strategy for the implementation of a Mediterranean Forecasting System aimed at the prediction of the marine ecosystem variability in the coastal areas up to the primary producers and from the time scales of days to months. Such a predictive capability is required to sustain an healthy coastal environment and its management. A forecasting system of such kind requires two essential parts, an observing system and a numerical modelling/data assimilation component. The technical rationale of the Project is based upon the hypothesis that both hydrodynamics and ecosystem fluctuations in the coastal/shelf areas of the Mediterranean are intimately connected to the large scale general circulation. The secondassumption is that, for the physical components of the ecosystem, monitoring and numerical modelling can work almost pre-operationally. A major goal of the proposal is to show that Near Real Time (NRT) forecasts of the large scale basin currents are possible.
To improve the understanding of natural climate variability on timescales of decades and centuries, and to prepare a multi-millenia numerical experiment with an improved fully coupled ocean-atmosphere-ice model.
The goal of the MISTRAL portal is to facilitate and foster the re-use of the datasets by the weather community, as well as by its cross-area communities, to provide added value services through the use of HPC resources, turning it into the level of new business opportunities.
The data will be available in terms of gridded fields, probabilistic products (as rainfall forecasts for flash flood prediction) or point time-series coming from the Italian operational forecast modelling chain and post-processing fields (as thunderstorm probability).
With the accelerating materials development cycles, the development of simulation approaches for predictive, de-novo characterization and optimization of materials and device properties emerges as a grand challenge to European R&D. A unified multi-disciplinary approach towards the deployment of models, tools, algorithms and simulation and visualization techniques is required to transform isolated solutions for specific problems into comprehensive, industry-ready platforms, which are capable of predicting the properties of complex materials on the basis of their constitutive elements. While many techniques exist to address the specific questions, a lack of integration of the existing methods into readily available multi-scale modelling platforms has to date limited the impact of materials-modelling techniques in materials design. In this project we will develop an integrated e-infrastructure for multi-scale materials modelling, where expert groups unite with computational resource providers to deliver an integrated infrastructure.
Energy efficiency is already a primary concern for the design of any computer system and it is unanimously recognized that future Exascale systems will be strongly constrained by their power consumption. This is why the Mont-Blanc project has set itself the following objective: to design a new type of computer architecture capable of setting future global High Performance Computing (HPC) standards that will deliver Exascale performance while using 15 to 30 times less energy.
Energy efficiency is already a primary concern for the design of any computer system and it is unanimously recognized that future Exascale systems will be strongly constrained by their power consumption. This is why the Mont-Blanc project has set itself the following objective: to design a new type of computer architecture capable of setting future global High Performance Computing (HPC) standards that will deliver Exascale performance while using 15 to 30 times less energy.
Mont-Blanc 2 contributes to the development of extreme scale energy-efficient platforms, with potential for Exascale computing, addressing the challenges of massive parallelism, heterogeneous computing, and resiliency. Mont-Blanc 2 has great potential to create new market opportunities for successful EU technology, by placing embedded architectures in servers and HPC.
MOSAIC introduces a new approach to organisation, maintenance and promotion of arts and museums. This approach is based on a couple of cool interactive technologies: Hypermedia and Telecommunications ; MOSAIC applies them to museums, art galleries, architecture and other kinds of arts.
For a better understanding of the funtioning of the Mediterranean Ecosystem, interdisciplinary studies are needed to ensure a strong coupling between the dynamics of the water masses and the behaviour of dissolved and particulate, biogenic and abiogenic substances (source, transportation, transformation and sink). The interactions between experimentalists and modellers will be fostered, developping appropriate in situ observations to generate, to check and to calibrate models. The ecosystem models will be generated and applied at different scales for the entire system including the hydrological and biological system (benthic and pelagic) and long term changes.
Multimod Project, a three years international research project partially supported by the European Commission. The project entitled "simulation of multiple medical-imaging modalities: a new paradigm for virtual representation of musculo-skeletal structures", which gives quite well a short definition of the research scope.
The project concerns the visualisation of, and interaction with, data related to musculo-skeletal structures by means of multimodal and multisensorial interfaces. This research project is funded by the European Commission in the frame of the Information Society Technology (IST) programme. It will create a user friendly visualisation and interaction environment, in which all the information is presented with a set of representation - interaction pairs inspired by medical imaging modalities known by biomedical professionals to enable them to use their previous experience to enhanced effect.
Communicate historical content to a wide and varied audience is an increasingly felt task that need new ways to attract and involve people with compelling arguments. For involving the audience of non-professionals is important to develop appropriate solutions, mixing scientifically sound content with immediacy and ease of access, starting perhaps from familiar issues in order to avoid a strain on that part of the public less at ease with historical topics.
An Italian system for the retrieval, storage, access and diffusion of environmental and climate data from mountain and marine areas.
Per sostenere la comcorrenza ed affrontare la sfida del mercato globale, le industrie si confrontano con l'innovazione. Aziende italiane ed europee hanno fatto un salto di qualità con l'intoduzione della tecnologia del calcolo ad alte prestazioni nei processi produttivi. Si tratta di esperienze concrete, dimostrazioni sul campo, storie industriali genuine, co-finanziate dall'Unione Europea e realizzate nel nodo di trasferimento tecnologico gestito da ENEA e CINECA.
ONDA SOLARE è il nuovo progetto di ricerca in carico al CRIF che ha l'obbiettivo di sviluppare un percorso integrato per la progettazione concettuale, funzionale e costruttiva di un veicolo elettrico solare dalle straordinarie innovazioni. E di realizzarlo in meno di 2 anni. Il progetto si basa sull'utilizzo massivo degli strumenti di ingegneria concorrente, quale approccio essenziale per lo sviluppo di un prodotto unico nel suo genere, dall'alto contenuto tecnologico, soprattutto in termini di materiali, strutture, processi e delle relative logiche di ottimizzazione.
ORCHESTRA is a three-year international research project aimed at tackling the coronavirus pandemic, led by the University of Verona and involving 26 partners (extending to a wider network of 37 partners) from 15 countries: Argentina, Belgium, Brazil, Congo, France, Gabon, Germany, India, Italy, Luxemburg, Netherlands, Romania, Slovakia, Spain, Venezuela.
The project is funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the ERAvsCORONA Action Plan which was developed jointly by Commission services and national authorities.
To demonstrate how HPCN technology can be employed effectively to outperform the traditional Asset Liability Management systems.
The reasons for the aforementioned transformation are manifold: legal aspects, regulations, business requirements, economic factors, etc. Technological trends such as SOA, Software as a Service, Virtualisation are influencing the way in which IT services are rendered. Model-based approaches and IT-Governance are prominent candidates to bridge evolving business contexts and IT, in order to adapt the provisioning of IT for business needs. This challenge can be met by capitalizing on semantic technologies for IT-Governance.
Reconstruction of the landscape
Software: Visman (CINECA), ERMapper, Terravista (Terrex)
Introduce high performance parallel computers in the design process of domestic microwave ovens.
To identify and minimise the tendency and forcing errors in four different atmospheric general circulation models (GCMs). The improved models will be developed and tested with special attention to simulation of regional climate over Europe and to seasonal prediction of climate.
The Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe prepares the creation of a persistent pan-European HPC service, consisting of several tier-0 centres providing European researchers with access to capability computers and forming the top level of the European HPC ecosystem. PRACE is a project funded in part by the EU’s 7th Framework Programme.
The Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe aims at the creation of a persistent pan-European HPC service, consisting of up to six tier-0 centres providing European researchers with access to capability computers and forming the top level of the European HPC ecosystem. PRACE is a project funded in part by the EU’s 7th Framework Programme.
Each system will provide computing power of several Petaflop/s (one quadrillion operations per second) in midterm. On the longer term (2019) Exaflop/s (one quintillion) computing power will be targeted by PRACE. Users will be supported by experts in porting, scaling, and optimizing applications to novel, highly parallel computer architectures.
The purpose of the project is to provide a sustainable high-quality infrastructure for Europe that can meet the most demanding needs of European HPC user communities through the provision of user access to the most powerful HPC systems available worldwide at any given time. PRACE-2IP will foster the coordination between national HPC resources (Tier-1 systems) to best meet the needs of the European HPC user community.
PRACE-3IP is designed to continue, extend and complement the previous and on-going work in the implementation phase of the PRACE Research Infrastructure. This involves providing a long-term, high-quality infrastructure for European Tier-0 systems, managing the coordination between the shared portion of the national HPC resources (Tier-1 systems), and strengthening the established relationships with industrial users. PRACE-3IP will add a new key activity to the PRACE RI: the use of Pre-Commercial Procurement (PCP).
The objectives of PRACE-4IP are to build on and seamlessly continue the successes of PRACE and start new innovative and collaborative activities proposed by the consortium. These include: assisting the transition to PRACE 2.0; strengthening the internationally recognised PRACE brand; continuing advanced training which so far provided more than 15.000 person- training days to over 4700 persons, preparing strategies and best practices towards exascale computing, coordinating and enhancing the operation of the multi-tier HPC systems and services, and supporting users to exploit massively parallel systems and novel architectures.
PRACE, the Partnership for Advanced Computing is the permanent pan-European High Performance Computing service providing world-class systems for world-class science. Systems at the highest performance level (Tier-0) are deployed by Germany, France, Italy and Spain providing researchers with over 11 billion core hours of compute time. HPC experts from 25 member states enabled users from academia and industry to ascertain leadership and remain competitive in the Global Race. Currently PRACE is in transition to PRACE 2, the successor of the initial five year period.
PRACE, the Partnership for Advanced Computing is the permanent pan-European High Performance Computing service providing world-class systems for world-class science. Systems at the highest performance level (Tier-0) are deployed by Germany, France, Italy and Spain providing researchers with over 11 billion core hours of compute time. HPC experts from 25 member states enabled users from academia and industry to ascertain leadership and remain competitive in the Global Race.
The aim of the project Prisma is to develop a "open" cloud computing platform for e-government services of the local public administrations related to homeland security.
RDA Europe is the European plug-in to the Research Data Alliance (RDA). The goal of RDA is to accelerate international data-driven innovation and discovery by facilitating research data sharing and exchange. This is achieved through the development, adoption, and deployment of infrastructure, policy, practice, standards, and other deliverables. The emphasis of RDA is adoption and deployment as the result of focussed, short-term effort.
The RISC project aims at deepening strategic R&D cooperation between Europe and Latin America in the field of High Performance Computing (HPC) by building a multinational and multi-stakeholder community that will involve a significant representation of the relevant HPC R&D European and Latin American actors (researchers, policy makers, users). RISC will identify common needs, research issues and opportunities for cooperative R&D on HPC between EU and Latin America in the transition to multi-core architectures across the computing spectrum and relevant programming paradigms, algorithms and modelling approaches, thus setting the basis for the formulation of a global strategy for future research.
Vascular stenting is an invasive procedure for the treatment of occlusive vascular diseases; a small wire mesh tube called a stent is permanently placed in the artery or vein to help it remain open. The procedure is called angioplasty. Originally developed to treat sever occlusions of coronary arteries, thanks to its good results, stenting found an expanding indication also for the treatment of occlusions in peripheral arteries. Around 20% of the population over 60 years old have peripheral arterial disease, and in a fifth of them symptoms can become severe and progressive, causing major lifestyle limitation; in many of these cases a stent can solve the problem effectively and with moderate risk for the patient. As common for many other implantable devices, the expansion of the indication is also producing new complications. In particular, the risk of stent rupture, which in coronaries is near to zero, is becoming an increasing source of concerns for devices placed in peripheral arteries. The variability of the incidence of this complication, that in some recent clinical studies affect 30% of the patients, suggest that problem is not only due to the design of the device, but also to factors related to the patient functional anatomy and lifestyle, and to the surgical procedure. The RT3S project aim to develop and validate a sophisticated patient-specific, probabilistic model of the fatigue-fracture of a stent, integrated in a computer-aided surgery planning application, implemented to run in real-time during the surgical planning, so as to provide advice of the risk of stent rupture while the surgeon is planning the operation. The real time software library, easy embeddable in any existing application, will make possible to include the assessment of risk for stent fracture in all software solutions for computer-aided planning, training and intervention of peripheral vascular angioplasty procedures.
Images from Samarcanda project.
Software: ERMapper, ArcGis, Terravista and Visman
SeaDataCloud project aims at considerably advancing SeaDataNet Services and increasing their usage, adopting cloud and High Performance Computing technology for better performance.
The overall target of SINTEX is to assess the possible mechanisms of modulation by the decadal variability of the interannual variations, and rather long simulations (longer than 100 years) with coupled models with realistic equatorial dynamics are needed.
To improve the understanding of the nature of the N.Atlantic winter storm-track, the causes of its variability and the influence on European climate of this variability.
Il progetto 'SUMMIT - Servizi Ubiquitari MultiMediali per l'Innovazione tecnologica e Telematica' è un progetto di ricerca industriale che prevede la realizzazione di attività di ricerca in ambito multimediale e persegue l'obiettivo di sviluppare una piattaforma di 'tecnologie abilitanti' (comprendenti software, hardware e reti), in grado di permettere l'implementazione di applicazioni multimediali in campi molto diversi (come la sanità, il commercio, il mondo della ricerca e la Pubblica Amministrazione), in tempi e a costi competitivi.
SUPER (Supercomputing Unified Platform - Emilia-Romagna) is a regional project funded with the aim to extend the regional computing and storage infrastructure to support both scientific and industrial use cases.
The project aims at promoting the dissemination and transfer of the technology developed at 11 European IST activities funded under the EUTIST-M IST-1999-20226 initiative. These activities have been clustered and results are being achieved successfully. The proposal aims at maximising the synergies among the activities and providing them with experience, assessment and means for performing Europeanwide dissemination of the advanced information technologies developed in the activities, aiming at transferring this technology to the medical sector.
Virtual Museums (VM) are a new model of communication that aims at creating a personalized, immersive, interactive way to enhance our understanding of the world around us.
A first novel aspect of VERCE consists of integrating a service-oriented architecture with an efficient communication layer between the Data and the Grid infrastructures, and HPC. A second novel aspect is the coupling between HTC data analysis and HPC data modelling applications through workflow and data sharing mechanisms.
Craniofacial surgery is a surgical branch regarding study and treatment of any kind of disease affecting the face. Peculiar to this surgery is that any surgical procedure has non only functional but even esthetical implications such important for all patients' life. Anatomical and functional complexity of the face and skull makes this area extremely hazardous for any skilled surgeon or fellows in training. Computer-based surgery simulation represents a rapidly emerging and increasingly important area that combines information technology and real time systems for the common purpose of improving health care. It allows the surgeon to operate on a virtual representation of the patient head and to predict the outcome of the real intervention. Several virtual interventions can be executed and evaluated before to proceed to the real surgery.
VPH-Share will develop the organisational fabric (the infostructure) and integrate the optimised services to:
(1) expose and share data and knowledge,
(2) jointly develop multiscale models for the composition of new VPH workflows,
(3) facilitate collaborations within the VPH community.