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Real-time software for the femoral neck fracture prediction
Starting date: 
End date: 

The main project result is a complete software environment for the estimation of the global risk indicator for the femoral neck fracture. In particular, the FRAFEM software has an execution time of about 5 minutes and so it is completely compatible with its insertion in the standard clinical workflow. This way the total visit duration will remain unchanged, reducing at minimum the impact on the hospital procedure. At the same time the software has achieved a high level of automation and repeatability improving the accuracy in the classification to 80%.

General notes: 

Objective: The main project expected result is a complete software environment for the estimation of the global risk indicator for the femoral neck fracture.

Type of activity: TRIAL. Medical Area Targeted: Orthopaedics

Funding Scheme: 
programma CEE/framework: IST, 5PQ

CINECA-BioComputing Competence Centre (B3C)
Istituti Ortopedici Rizzoli (IOR)
DEIS-University of Bologna (DEIS)
University of Duisburg (UNIDUI)

Cinzia Zannoni