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Business and IT Alignment using a Model-Based Plug-in Framework
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End date: 

The reasons for the aforementioned transformation are manifold: legal aspects, regulations, business requirements, economic factors, etc. Technological trends such as SOA, Software as a Service, Virtualisation are influencing the way in which IT services are rendered. Model-based approaches and IT-Governance are prominent candidates to bridge evolving business contexts and IT, in order to adapt the provisioning of IT for business needs. This challenge can be met by capitalizing on semantic technologies for IT-Governance.

General notes: 

The proposed project will develop concepts, tools and methods that will: (1) simplify modelling efforts by providing the Next Generation Modelling Framework, (2) provide IT-Socket compliance checks and reporting mechanisms for computer centres, and (3) provide orchestration and governance tools (semantic workflows, agents) by integrating semantics into legacy applications. These outcomes rely on research advances in (a) graphical models and tools for their transformation into machine interpretable ontologies, (b) integration of different modelling languages, (c) reference ontologies and ontologies supporting model transformation, (d) rule systems for automatic generation, transformation, mapping, evolution of models and ontologies.

Funding Scheme: 
FP7-ICT-2007-3, 4.4 Intelligent Content and Semantics

BOC Asset Management GmbH BOC Austria ElsagDatamat spa ED Italy University of Vienna, Department Business and Knowledge Engineering DKE Austria Foundation for Research and Technology-Hellas, Institute of Computer Science FORTH Greece Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz FHNW Switzerland CINECA Consorzio Interuniveritario CINECA Italy iTG INNOVATION Technology Group SA iTG Poland University of Stuttgart, High Performance Computer Centre HLRS Germany

Robert Woitsch - BOC
Sergio Bernardi