Europlanet RI, the Europlanet Research Infrastructure, is the four-year follow-on project to EuroPlaNet, a four-year Coordination Action supported by the European Union under the Sixth Framework Programme. The Europlanet RI was launched in January 2009. It is an Integrated Infrastructure Initiative (I3), ie. a combination of Networking Activities, Transnational Access Activities and Joint Research Activities.
The Europlanet Research Infrastructure links more than 100 laboratories in Europe and around the world. The project aims to help planetary scientists get the best out of their research into the Solar System by organising networking activities, meetings and conferences, providing access to laboratories and field sites in Europe, developing new facilities and field sites and creating online access to planetary science data. This site contains information about Europlanet RI aimed at the general public and the media. Europlanet extends a network of key contact points for outreach activities relating to planetary science in Europlanet member countries. Contacts and information on these National Nodes can be found by clicking on the corresponding country flag in the menu bar.
Europlanet RI will consolidate the integration of the planetary science community, which started with the EuroPlaNet project funded under Sixth Framework Programme. It will also integrate a major distributed European infrastructure to be shared, fed and expanded by all planetary scientists, with as diverse components as space exploration, ground-based observations, laboratory experiments and numerical modelling teams.
The research infrastructure will include access to laboratory and field sites facilities, advanced modelling, simulation and data analysis resources and to data produced by space missions and ground-based telescopes.
The Europlanet RI consortium is a large and wide-spread consortium. It is made up of 27 beneficiaries (contractors) from 16 countries, out of which 13 EU Member states. Various beneficiaries assemble several research teams: this means that in practice, 41 research laboratories and space agencies unite their efforts within the Europlanet RI consortium.