The project aim is to adapt the software components developed by IOR and B3C to build up a simulation environment supporting and improving the design of standard joint implants. The system will be composed by a 3D navigational environment allowing the designers to position their implant design in a reference anatomy represented by the CT data set. Once the bone-implant position is defined an automatic procedure, running on a remote HPC facility would automatically "fit" the implant design int oa database of human bones CT data sets.
For each bone in the database, the procedure will calculate a set of indicators summarised in a synthetic report that will be used by the designer to evaluate its design on statistical basis. The system should be easy to integrate with the commercial CAD software currently used by prostheses manufacturers.
The following results are expected:
Istituti Ortopedici Rizzoli, CINECA, Université Libre de Bruxelles, AET