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Explosive Eruption Risk and Decision Support for EU Populations Threatened by Volcanoes
Starting date: 
End date: 

EXPLORIS’s main ambition is to make a significant step forward in the assessment of explosive eruption risk in highly populated EU cities and islands. The workplan proposed aims at making significant progress in each of the fundamental components determining volcanic risk: the volcanological scenario assessment, the numerical simulation of the eruptive processes, the vulnerability assessment, the quantification of the impact of the event on the surrounding buildings, infrastructures, and inhabitants, the probabilistic assessment of the risk.

Framework Programme: 

FP5-EESD: EVR1-CT-2002-40026

General notes: 

The probabilistic risk assessment will then represent the main guide in the investigation of mitigation measures aimed at a better management of preventive and emergency plans in densely populated volcanic regions.

The main objective of the project consists in the quantitative analysis of explosive eruption risk in densely populated EU regions and the evaluation of the likely effectiveness of possible mitigation measures (such as land-use planning, engineering interventions in buildings, emergency planning and community preparedness) through the development of volcanic risk facilities (such as supercomputer models, vulnerability databases, and probabilistic risk assessment protocols) and their application to high-risk European volcanoes.

  1. INGV (Coordinator)
  3. UCAM
  4. UNAP
  5. ULUT
  6. ASP
  7. CSIC
  8. IPGP
  9. CVUA
Carlo Cavazzoni
Simulazione dell'eruzione del Vesuvio, visualizzazione delle temperature
Simulazione dell'eruzione del Vesuvio, visualizzazione delle densità