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Virtual Museum of daily life in Bologna in the XXth century
Starting date: 
End date: 

Communicate historical content to a wide and varied audience is an increasingly felt task that need new ways to attract and involve people with compelling arguments. For involving the audience of non-professionals is important to develop appropriate solutions, mixing scientifically sound content with immediacy and ease of access, starting perhaps from familiar issues in order to avoid a strain on that part of the public less at ease with historical topics.

General notes: 

These are the starting points at the base of the Muvi - Virtual Museum of daily life project. In 2009 it celebrated its tenth anniversary with a virtual reconstruction of two more domestic interiors, the first dedicated to the Thirties and the second one to the Eighties of the Twentieth century. Along with the reconstruction of a house of the Fifties, Muvi is now able to offer a significant enough journey through the history of the italian Twentieth century, taking the move, as has always been its guiding principle, from objects of daily use and consumption in households.

MU.VI. (Virtual Museum of daily life in Bologna in the last century) tries to build a bridge between historical periods and generations using whatever is closest to each of us: the everyday life

Funding Scheme: 
Bologna 2000 – european city of culture; Fondazione CARISBO

Bologna Commitee of the Institute for the History of Italian Risorgimento, Museo civico del Risorgimento di Bologna

Antonella Guidazzoli
Maria Chiara Liguori
Reconstruction of the living-room of the Fifties
Reconstruction of the living-room of the Thirties
Reconstruction of the living-room of the Eighties