To reach Exascale computing (1018 FLOPs), current supercomputers must achieve an energy efficiency “quantum leap” that allows this level of computation to be done at around 20 Megawatts. This will only be possible if we can target all layers of the system, from the software stack to the cooling system.
ANTAREX proposes a holistic approach capable of controlling all the decision layers in order to implement a self-adaptive application optimized for energy efficiency.
Energy-efficient heterogeneous supercomputing architectures need to be coupled with a radically new software stack capable of exploiting the benefits offered by the heterogeneity at all the different levels (supercomputer, job, node) to meet the scalability and energy efficiency required by Exascale supercomputers.ANTAREX will solve these challenging problems by proposing a disruptive holistic approach spanning all the decision layers composing the supercomputer software stack and exploiting effectively the full system capabilities (including heterogeneity and energy management). The main goal of the ANTAREX project is to provide a breakthrough approach to express application self-adaptivity at design-time and to runtime manage and autotune applications for green and heterogenous High Performance Computing (HPC) systems up to the Exascale level.