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The new infrastructure GALILEO100, co-funded by the European ICEI (Interactive Computing e-Infrastructure) project and engineered by DELL is available to the Italian public and industrial researchers until September 2021.
It is the national Tier-1 system for scientific research. 

System Architecture


Compute Nodes:

  • 528 computing nodes each 2 x CPU Intel CascadeLake 8260,  with 24 cores each, 2.4 GHz, 384GB RAM, subdivided in:
      • 348 standard nodes ("thin nodes") 480 GB SSD
      • 180 data processing nodes ("fat nodes") 2TB SSD, 3TB Intel Optane
      • 36 GPU nodes with 2x NVIDIA GPU V100 with 100Gbs Infiniband interconnection and 2TB SSD.
  • 77 computing server OpenStack for cloud computing, 2x CPU 8260 Intel CascadeLake, 24 cores, 2.4 GHz, 768 GB RAM, with 100Gbs Ethernet interconnection.
  • 20 PB of active storage accessible from both cloud and HPC nodes.
  • 5 PB of fast storage for HPC system.
  • 1 PB Ceph storage for Cloud (full NVMe/SSD)

Login and Service nodes: 10  Login nodes are available. 5  service nodes for I/O and cluster management.

All the nodes are interconnected through an Infiniband network, with OPA v10.6, capable of a maximum bandwidth of 100Gbit/s between each pair of nodes.




Model: DUal-Socket Dell PowerEdge
Architecture: Linux Infiniband cluster
NetworkMellanox Infiniband 100GbE

Nodes: 348 standard nodes
Processors: 2xCPU x86 Intel Xeon Platinum 8276-8276L (2.4Ghz)
Cores: 16704 (48 cores/node)
RAM: 384GB

Nodes: 180 data processing nodes
2xCPU x86 Intel Xeon Platinum 8276-8276L (2.4Ghz)
Cores: 8640

384GB+3.0TB Optaine

Nodes: 36 GPU nodes
2xCPU x86 Intel Xeon Platinum 8276-8276L (2.4Ghz) + 2x NVIDIA GPU V100
Cores: 1728
