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4.2.0 (G100), 3.6.1 (MARCONI)

The R package system is a widely used open source language and environment for statistical computing and graphics - GNU's S-Plus. It provides a high-level programming environment together with a sophisticated packaging and testing paradigm. It has a number of mechanisms that allow it to interact directly with software that has been written in many different languages .

These tools allow users to incorporate modules based on other work. Viewed in that context, adopting R as a vehicle does not exclude other development environments and paradigms. R can, in those cases, provide a glue or connectivity linking what might otherwise be different products. Finally, R is under very active development by a dedicated team of researchers with a strong commitment to good documentation and software design.

This version allows the run on multiple processors using "Parallel" package.

Target user: 
Support level: 
Help and documentation: 
You can find documentation on the module, with the command
module load profile/bioinf
module help r

Full documentation for R is available on the web (http://www.r-project.org).
Documentation for most of the functions and variables in the R packages exists, and can be printed on-screen by typing on the R prompt

R> help(name) (or)
R> ?name

where name is the name of the topic help is sought for.

CINECA consultants can be reached through the addr: superc@cineca.it
