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2022.05 (LEONARDO), 2019.10 (MARCONI), 2021.5 (G100)

Anaconda is Python distribution for large scale data processing, predictive analytics and scientific computing. It includes over 195 of the most popular Python packages for science, math, engineering, data analysis.

Target user: 
Support level: 
Help and documentation: 

You can find documentation on the module, with the command

module help anaconda

Detailed documentation can be found on the web at the original site (https://store.continuum.io/cshop/anaconda)


More versions are available for portability issues. For listing all available versions:

modmap -m anaconda


More info: 
Due to the recent modifications to Anaconda's Terms of Service, the use of the Anaconda public package repository on CINECA platforms is no more permitted without the purchase of a license for commercial use. As a consequence, the service was disrupted by Anaconda. Please create your environment using alternative channels, such as conda-forge, adding the --override-channels flag.