The request for resources may be submitted under different classes depending on the project “characteristic” (as specified in the following sections)
Try projects: few hours, for 2 months maximum, only for test purposes to be requested at
Every proposal is expected to have high-level impact at international level.
A “Class B” project requests:
up to 250.000 GPU hours on LEONARDO machine OR 3.600.000 CORE hours on GALILEO100.
Terms of use. Class B projects have a maximum duration of 12 months, starting from the date of assignment of the resources. The computational resources are allocated according to the standard scheduling policy of CINECA; a special policy for resource exploitation could be in place on our HPC systems.
Project Support. CINECA provides high-level technical support to each “Class B” project, through its User Support Group. In specific cases, dedicated specialist support can be requested for the enabling and optimization of the applications necessary for the project. Such support must be explicitly requested and justified in the application form.
Restrictions: each user is allowed to have only one "Class B" project approved per call as Project Investigator.
"Class C" cpu limits are:
On LEONARDO: up to 10.000 GPU hours. Maximum duration of 9 months.
On GALILEO100: up to 100.000 CORE hours. Maximum duration of 9 months.
The CLOUD can be requested trough pre-defined flavours.
Quantum Computing: the amount of resources will be discussed with the selected PIs.
Il can be a "research project" with a limited resource requirements, a “Test and Development” project or a project with specific target towards data post-processing and visualization.
Terms of use. “Class C” projects have a maximum duration of 9 months starting from the date of the assignment of the resources. The computational resources are allocated according to the standard scheduling policy of CINECA, a special policy for resources exploitation could be in place on our HPC systems.
Project Support. CINECA provides high-level technical support to each “Class C” project, through its User Support Group. In specific cases, in particular for "test and development" projects, dedicated specialist support can be requested for the enabling and optimization of the applications necessary for the project. Such support must be explicitly requested and justified in the application form.
Restrictions: each user is allowed to have only two "Class C" projects approved per year as Project Investigator.
Only Available for data related to HPC simulations
A “Class D” project requests: up to 50 TB of data storage on File System and/or 100 TB of Archive.
Terms of use. Class D projects have a maximum duration of 36 months, starting from the date of assignment of the resources.
Project Support. CINECA provides high-level technical support, through its User Support Group.
Restrictions: each user is allowed to have only one active Class D project.