One of the most challenging objectives that the HPC centers are facing nowadays is to manage the data deluge coming from many diverse research groups and projects and to foster and support a new way of conducting research, a new data-dominated and data-centric science, based on data-intensive computing.
The specific needs of data analytics projects were addressed in the definition and build of the latest Cineca's infrastructure, PICO, open to production in Oct 2014. The machine is devoted to data intensive computing as a complement of high-parallel computation. The new platform complies with the peculiar hardware requirements (large memory per node, massive storage equipment and sharing, fast data access and transfer, etc.), the software tools, and the high-throughput technologies needed by data-oriented projects, such as an accelerated visualization environment, cloud computing, hadoop etc. It also offers the perfect environment for the development of techniques and methodologies of key relevance to a Big Data problem.
To better support our users in conducting their researches, we provide them data services to ensure the proper managemen of data, including the trasfer, the deposit, the description, the sharing and the preservation on the medium long term.
Detailed description of available services is reported in the "FOR USERS" section of the site.