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Statistics Cineca hardware utilization

Marconi (Tier-0), Galileo (Tier-1) and Pico are the computing infrastructure of Cineca. PRACE, ISCRA and LISA are the three grant allocation frameworks with two calls per years. In addition computational resources are allocated through AGREEMENTS, as support to EU projects (PROJECT EU) or assigned to Industrial users (CONTRACTS) .

DATA:  30 October 2017


Figure 1: Marconi-A1 (Tier 0) utilization in October 2017

 Here you can see the Marconi A1 (Tier0) graphics of previous period (19 January - September 2017)

MARCONI: March 2017   


Figure 2: Core Hours on Cineca HPC infrastructure, Marconi-A1 and Marconi-A2(Tier 0) and Galileo (Tier 1) via call PRACE, ISCRA, LISA and via agreement and contracts/project EU in period January - October 2017. 

Figure 3: Core hours in October 2017 on Marconi-A1 e GALILEO grouped by Research Areas.

 Here you can see the graphics of the previous months (January - September 2017):