Cineca's HPC systems
New Supercomputer Marconi (Tier0) installed at Cineca:
The Supercomputer Galileo (Tier 1) installed at Cineca:
Cineca signed agreement to coordinate the development of the HPC technology value chain in Europe
Sanzio Bassini (director HPC department at Cineca) elected Chair of the PRACE Council:
Adwards: Cineca wins HPC Innovation Excellence Award
Human brain project:
The FERMI (Tier 0) computing system installed at CINECA in Top500 ranking list:
The world's most green supercomputer, EURORA, at CINECA:
America's Cup: Oracle Team and supercomputer at CINECA
The FERMI (Tier 0) computing system installed at CINECA in June 2012 is the 7th system in Top500 ranking list: