Dear Users,
for your information.
HPC User Support @ CINECA
Dear Users,
a new module has been created in order to help with the usage of the debugger GDB on...
Dear users,
you may experience problems in submitting jobs or interact with running or queued jobs...
Dear Users,
CINECA invites all interested scientists, whose projects fit the criteria of the PRACE...
Dear Users,
we inform you that some seats are still available for the course:HPC Numerical...
Dear FERMI Users,
we inform you that last night due to an abnormal supply voltage the compute nodes...
Dearl all,
Please note that currently the llq command is experiencing some delays, so it may take a...
Dear Users,
we inform you that due to a problem to a service node, the budget of your projects on...
Dear users,
we inform you that some seats are still available for course "HPC Scientific...
Dear Users,
it is possible to apply for the PRACE programme " Summer of HPCE " until 17th...