Dear Users,
CINECA invites all interested scientists, whose projects fit the criteria of the PRACE calls to submit their projects. The criteria for the PRACE calls as well as complete information on the PRACE machines, how to apply and on the PRACE peer review process can be found at
If you need some extra information please feel free to contact PRACE directly via or CINECA UserSupport at
HPC User Support @ CINECA
================================================== PRACE 7th Project Access Call ================================================== The PRACE 7th Project Access Call for Proposals is now open from February 13 to March 26. The entire PRACE Tier-0 Research Infrastructure is available: CURIE (GENCI@CEA, France) FERMI (CINECA, Italy) HERMIT (GCS@HLRS, Germany) JUQUEEN (GCS@Jülich, Germany) MareNostrum (BSC, Spain) SuperMUC (GCS@LRZ, Germany) Allocations will be for 1 year starting from early September, 2013 intended to individual researchers as well as multi-national research groups, asking for resources on a single or multiple machines. The 7th Call is open to academia and industry under specific mandatory conditions including that access is devoted solely for open R&D research purposes. Please carefully check the full eligibility criteria listed in the text of the call for proposals. All applications whether submitted by academia or by commercial companies will be evaluated against the highest peer-review standards. Applicatiosn must demonstrate scientific excellence, include elements of novelty, transformative aspects and have a recognised scientific impact. The PRACE 7th Call for Proposals can be found on the PRACE website: It will be closed on March 26, noon (12:00 CET Brussels time). DO NOT WAIT UNTIL THE LAST MINUTE! No late submission is receivable. Keep in mind the following important dates related to this Call: Opening date: February 13, 2013 Closing date: March 26, 12:00 CET noon - Brussels time >>> compulsory deadline Allocation for 12 months Starting date of awarded proposals: September 3, 2012 For any queries related to applications please contact: ================================================== ================================================== PRACE Preparatory Access Call for Tier-0 ================================================== Preparatory access is intended for testing and developing codes in order to prepare applications for PRACE Tier-0 project access. In particular, we would like to draw your attention to the Preparatory Access Type C which includes code development with support from PRACE experts. Further information are given on the PRACE web page: The Preparatory Access Call is a rolling call, researchers can apply for access all year. There are no closing dates, proposals will be reviewed every third month. The next cutoff date is March 1st, 2013, 11:00 CET. ==================================================