Dear users,
the problems with submitting jobs should be solved. Let us know if the problem still...
Dear Users,
there are some problems in submitting jobs to FERMI queues. We are working at solving...
Dear Users,
the scheduled maintainance operations on Fermi are completed. Now the system is up and...
Dear Users,
due to scheduled maintainance operations, Fermi will be shortly unavailable starting at...
Dear Users,
the problems affecting the PBS scheduler on PLX have been solved. You can now go back...
Dear Users,
at present it is not possible to submit jobs to PLX queues because of problems to the...
Dear Users,
this is to inform you that some applications on Fermi already have a benchmark section...
Dear Users,
due to the wide utilization of the sub-blocking technique on FERMI, we would like to...
Dear Users,
we inform you that there could be some slowdowns in the scheduling of your jobs on...
Dear Users,
some seats are still available for the course: Introduction to the FERMI Blue Gene/Q,...