Dear Users,
Just to inform you that scratch and work areas on Fermi are temporarly unavailable....
Dear users,
we would remind you that starting from March 5, 2014 a daily procedure will cancel...
Dear Users,
the PRACE 9th Call for proposals for Project Access (Tier-0) is now open and will...
Dear users,
we would remind you that starting from March 5, 2014 a daily procedure will cancel...
Il 18 Febbraio 2014 presso la Regione Lombardia a Milano si svolgerà l'incontro da titolo: "Il...
Dear Users,
due to the need to favour the large-size jobs on Fermi, we implemented small...
Dear users,
on the Fermi machine is now available a new file system. This is accessible via the $...
Dear Users,
some seats are still available for the course:"HPC Scientific programming: tools and...
Dear Users,
the modifications to Eurora PBS scheduler were successfully implemented and the cluster...
Dear Users,
in view of the announced modifications to Eurora scheduler configuration which will...