Dear Users,
This is to announce that Fermi and Eurora back-end nodes will be shut down on March...
Dear users,
We would remind you that starting from April 3, 2014 a daily procedure will cancel...
Dear Users,
This is to inform you that Eurora will be stopped for scheduled hardware mantainance...
Dear users,
We would remind you that starting from April 3, 2014 a daily procedure will cancel...
Dear Users,
We inform you that the $CINECA_SCRATCH area on Fermi is now available.
We also inform...
Dear Users,
due to the current problems on the scratch filesystem, the I/O nodes on 4 of the 10...
Dear users,
some seats are still available for the course "Introduction to the FERMI Blue Gene/Q,...
Dear Users,
we are sorry to inform you that some critical issues are still affecting the scratch...
Dear Users,
the recovery operations on the GPFS which manage the scratch and work areas on Fermi...
Dear colleagues,
Few seats are still available for the course "HPC Numerical Libraries" that will...