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Dynamical Exascale Entry Platform
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The project DEEP proposes to develop a novel, Exascale-enabling supercomputing platform along with the optimisation of a set of grand-challenge codes simulating applications highly relevant for Europe’s science, industry and society. The DEEP System will realise a Cluster Booster Architecture that will serve as proof-of-concept for a next-generation 100 PFlop/s production system.

General notes: 

DEEP is one of the three Exascale projects funded by the EU 7th framework programme. The DEEP project started in December 2011 and will last three years. 16 partners from 8 different countries collaborate in this project, which is coordinated by the Jülich Supercomputing Centre at Forschungszentrum Jülich.

DEEP is an innovative European response to the Exascale challenge. The DEEP consortium proposes to develop a novel, Exascale-enabling supercomputing architecture with a matching SW stack and a set of optimized grand-challenge simulation applications. DEEP takes the concept of compute acceleration to a new level: instead of adding accelerator cards to Cluster nodes, an accelerator Cluster, called Booster, will complement a conventional HPC system and increase its compute performance. Together with a software stack focused on meeting Exascale requirements, comprising adapted programming models, libraries and performance tools, the DEEP architecture, will enable unprecedented scalability. The Cluster-level heterogeneity of DEEP will attenuate the consequences of Amdahl’s law allowing users to run applications with kernels of high scalability alongside kernels of low scalability concurrently on different sides of the system, avoiding at the same time over and under subscription. An extrapolation to millions of cores would take the DEEP concept to an Exascale level.

Fabio Affinito