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A course specific for learning the use of FERMI, our new BG/Q system, is scheduled for October 15 at CINECA. Registration is now open.
Bringing CAE apps to HPC platforms! CINECA now at "Business improvement by performance simulation in A&D" - October 11/12 - Italia, Naples, Accademia Aeronautica
Building Blocks of Data Infrastructures Organization: EUDAT Project, 22-24 October 2012
On October 3rd Francesco Profumo, Minister of University and Research, officially inaugurated FERMI, the new Italian supercomputer, ranked at the 7th position in the June12 Top500
On October 3rd at 11.30 Francesco Profumo, Minister of University and Research, will be at Cineca for the official inauguration of the FERMI supercomputer, ranked at the 7th position in the June12 Top500.
The 6th PRACEall for proposals for Project Access (Tier-0) opened on 18 September 2012
Some adjustments were applied to the PRACE Calls for Proposals dates. Please consider this new schedule when planning your future submission!
EUDAT project's aim is to contribute to the production of a Collaborative Data Infrastructure (CDI). The target is to provide a pan-European solution to the challenge of data proliferation in Europe's scientific and research communities.
