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Yambo, a code supported by CINECA in the framework of PRACE 2IP activity, broke the 1000 CPU wall by running on the FERMI Blue Gene/Q.
New York City
Graduate students and postdoctoral scholars in the Europe, United States and Japan are invited to apply for the fourth International Summer School on HPC Challenges in Computational Sciences, to be held June 23-28, 2013 in New York City. The summer school is sponsored by the U.S. XSEDE project, European PRACE-2IP and Japanese RIKEN AICS.
Numbers demonstrate a great success of LISA! A total of 61 proposals were submitted and will go to the review process.
The 7th PRACE Regular Call for Proposals will be open from 13 February 2013 until 26 March 2013, noon, 12:00 Brussels Time.
In the press conference held at Cineca on January 30, Eurotech, NVIDIA and Cineca presented Eurora, the prototype system built within PRACE and co-designed by Eurotech and Cineca
The European Commission today announced the winners of a multi-billion euro competition of Future and Emerging Technologies (FET): Graphene and Human Brain Project
Summer of HPC logo
Then the Summer of HPC is for you! Summer of HPC is a PRACE programme that offers summer placements at CINECA or an other HPC centres across Europe, in a PRACE partner country. Applications open at January 25th and close at 17th February 2013.
LISA (Laboratory for Interdisciplinary Advanced Simulation) is the HPC initiative co-funded by Regione Lombardia and Cineca: 100M hours of computing time are available for research of Lombardia Universities as well as 2 scholarships for Lombard graduates for training in the field of scientific and technical computing.
CINECA provides now a Data Repository service to store and maintain scientific data sets. The service will be made available in pre-production in the next weeks for a preliminary set of scientific projects and then moved to production at the beginning of the next year (2013).
