Lisa, the Cineca HPC initiative specific for Regione Lombardia
On January 14 2013, in Milano, Cineca representatives presented the new call of the LISA initiative. The LISA Initiative (Laboratory for Interdisciplinary Advanced Simulation) is co-funded by the Regione Lombardia and the Cineca Consortium. The new initiative for the biennium 2013-2014, that follows the former one ended in 2012, offers 100M of core hours for researchers associated with Lombardia Universities and 2 scholarships for Lombard graduates for training in the field of scientific and technical computing, supported by Cineca experts .Within LISA, a call for projects is currently open and addressed to researchers belonging to universities and research centers based in Lombardia for the use of advanced computational tools with the benefit of technical support from experts of Cineca. The scholarships are addressed to young Lombard graduates to work on relevant issues in the field of advanced simulation and technical computing science.Application forms for both calls must be submitted to the Cineca by the online form available on the website of the initiative,, from 15/01/2013 to 14/02/2013 at 12.00.