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RDA, the Research Data Alliance, in collaboration with the universities of Turin, Milan, Bologna , Trento and Parma and supported by CNR, AISA and OpenAIRE organizes a two-day workshop about sharing, reuse, and reproducibility of research data on some selected scientific fields - and related research infrastructures - of strategic relevance in Europe.
16 major European research organisations, data and computing centres signed an agreement to sustain the EUDAT – pan European collaborative data infrastructure for the next 10 years. The organisations commit to develop, maintain and deploy pan-European research data services and to promote harmonization of research data management practices across centres.
Cineca collaborates in the project LINCOLN (Lean Innovative Connected Vessels) by implementing an HPC platform for the design of boats and ships for rescue at sea
The 14th Call for Proposal for PRACE Project Access is now open until 21 November 2016, 10:00 CET. It is now possible to submit a proposal for PRACE under the defined guidelines, and apply for one of the supercomputers of the affiliated european HPC centers, including our MARCONI. Proposals can be based on a 12-months schedule, or, for Multi-year Projects, on a 24- or 36-months schedule.
The EU Researchers' Night invites you to meet the heroes of science; that is to say, the researchers from different disciplines whose fascinating work can change our lives. With family, friends, your school or on your own, you will become a scientist for a day, participate in science activities and most of all have fun! Cineca, this year, take part at the events in Rome (Frascati) and Bologna
Cineca and the foundation ParCo Conferences organize at Bologna from 12 September to 15 September 2017 the International Conference on Parallel Computing. ParCo2017 is a continuation of the international conference on parallel computing and HPC started in 1983. Since their inception the ParCo conferences stimulated the development and application of parallel computers on a world-wide scale.
The 13th call has been completed. CINECA offered 665 million compute core hours on new Tier-0 system Marconi, composed of 2 partitions, one based on Intel Broadwell processors and one based on Intel KNL many-core processors. The 30 awarded projects are led by principal investigators from 9 different European countries. Next 14th PRACE call for Project Access will open on 5th October.
An all-Italian partnership between ENEA and CINECA has been selected by EUROfusion, the European Consortium for the development of fusion energy, to deliver high-performance computing and data storage to support European research on fusion.
Researchers of the Universities and Research Centers based in Lombardy are invited to submit scientific projects in order to receive High Performance Resources and specialized support. The proposals are eligible from any scientific discipline. Deadline: 30th September 2016
The first Open Call for Fortissimo2 has been completed. Ten new industrial experiments were selected, three of them having Cineca as reference partner.
