#include "stdio.h"
#include "stdlib.h"
#include "mpi.h"
#include "math.h"
#include "wrapper.h"
#define N 10
#define NB 2
#ifndef max
#define max( a, b ) ( ((a) > (b)) ? (a) : (b) )
int main( int argc, char** argv)
int i, j, zero = 0, uno = 1, sei = 6;
// MPI
int myrank, nprocs, ndims = 2, dims[2] = {0,0};
MPI_Status status;
int nprow, npcol, info, ic = -1, context, myrow, mycol, desca[9], descb[9];
char order = 'R';
int n = N, nb = NB, nrhs = 1, nr, nc, lld;
double *A, *b, *work, alpha;
int *ipiv;
// Initialize MPI environment
MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);
MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &nprocs);
MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &myrank);
// Initialize a default BLACS context and the processes grid
MPI_Dims_create(nprocs, ndims, dims);
nprow = dims[0];
npcol = dims[1];
blacs_get_( &ic, &zero, &context );
blacs_gridinit_( &context, &order, &nprow, &npcol );
blacs_gridinfo_( &context, &nprow, &npcol, &myrow, &mycol );
// Computation of local matrix size
nr = numroc_( &n, &nb, &myrow, &zero, &nprow );
nc = numroc_( &n, &nb, &mycol, &zero, &npcol );
lld = max( 1 , nr );
A = malloc(nr*nc*sizeof(double));
b = malloc(nr*sizeof(double));
work = malloc(nb*sizeof(double));
ipiv = malloc((lld+nb)*sizeof(int));
// Descriptors
descinit_( descb, &n, &uno, &nb, &nb, &zero, &zero, &context, &lld, &info );
descinit_( desca, &n, &n, &nb, &nb, &zero, &zero, &context, &lld, &info );
// Vector and matrix elements generation
for( i = 1; i <= n; i++ ){
alpha = (double)(207 - i);
pdelset_( b, &i, &uno, descb, &alpha );
for( i = 1; i <= n; i++ ){
for( j = 1; j <= n; j++ ){
if( i == j ) {
alpha = (double)(10000);
pdelset_( A, &i, &j, desca, &alpha );
} else {
alpha = ((double)(i)+(double)(j)/(double)(2));
pdelset_( A, &i, &j, desca, &alpha );
// Linear system equations solver
pdgesv_( &n, &uno, A, &uno, &uno, desca, ipiv, b, &uno, &uno, descb, &info );
// Print the results vector
Cpdlaprnt( &n, &uno, b, &uno, &uno, descb, &zero, &zero, "x", &sei, work );
// Close BLACS environment
blacs_gridexit_( &context );
blacs_exit_( &zero );
// Close MPI environment if blacs_exit paramater is not equal zero
return 0;
FORTRAN program es_scalapack
use mpi
implicit none
integer :: i, j, stdout
parameter ( stdout=6 )
integer :: ierr, nprocs, myrank
integer :: context, nprow, npcol, myrow, mycol, info, ndims, dims(2)
parameter ( ndims=2 )
external :: blacs_exit, blacs_gridexit, blacs_gridinfo, blacs_get
external :: blacs_gridinit, descinit, numroc, pdelset, pdlaprnt
integer :: numroc
! Matrix
integer :: M, N, MB, NB, Nloc, Mloc, aval
!parameter ( M=16384, N=16384, MB=64, NB=64 )
parameter ( M=10, N=10, MB=2, NB=2 )
real*8 , allocatable :: A(:,:), B(:), work(:)
integer, allocatable :: ipiv(:)
integer :: descA(9), descB(9)
! Benchmarks
real*8 :: t1, t2, dt
! Initialize MPI environment
call MPI_Init(ierr)
call MPI_Comm_Size(mpi_comm_world,nprocs,ierr)
call MPI_Comm_Rank(mpi_comm_world,myrank,ierr)
! Initialize a default BLACS context and the processes grid
dims = 0
call MPI_Dims_Create( nprocs, ndims, dims, ierr)
nprow = dims(1)
npcol = dims(2)
call blacs_get( -1, 0, context )
call blacs_gridinit( context, 'Row-major', nprow, npcol)
call blacs_gridinfo( context, nprow, npcol, myrow, mycol )
! Computation of local matrix size
Mloc = numroc( M, MB, myrow, 0, nprow )
Nloc = numroc( N, NB, mycol, 0, npcol )
write(*,*) "myrank= ",myrank," Mloc= ",Mloc," Nloc= ",Nloc
allocate( A( Mloc, Nloc ) )
allocate( B( Mloc ) )
allocate( ipiv( Mloc+MB ) )
allocate( work( M ) )
! Descriptos
call descinit(descA, M, N, MB, NB, 0, 0, context, max(1,Mloc), info)
call descinit(descB, M, 1, MB, 1, 0, 0, context, max(1,Mloc), info)
! Vector and matrix elements generation
do j=1,N
do i=1,M
if(i.eq.j) then
call pdelset( A, i, j, descA, dble(10000) )
call pdelset( A, i, j, descA, (dble(i)+dble(j)/dble(2.0)) )
do i=1,M
call pdelset( B, i, 1, descB, dble(207-i) )
!!! for benchmarking !!!
call MPI_Barrier( mpi_comm_world, ierr)
t1 = MPI_wtime()
! Linear system equations solver
call pdgesv( N, 1, A, 1, 1, descA, ipiv, B, 1, 1, descB, info )
!!! for benchmarking !!!
call MPI_Barrier( mpi_comm_world, ierr)
t2 = MPI_wtime()
dt = t2-t1
if(myrank.eq.0) write(*,*) nprocs, dt
! Print the results vector
call pdlaprnt(M, 1, B, 1, 1, descB, 0, 0, 'X', stdout, work)
deallocate( A )
deallocate( B )
deallocate( ipiv )
deallocate( work )
! Close BLACS environment
call blacs_gridexit( context )
call blacs_exit( 0 )
! Close MPI environment if blacs_exit paramater is not equal zero
!call MPI_Finalize(ierr)
end program es_scalapack