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PETSc exercises


Try to create a simple "hello world" using the most simple PETSc directives.
Compile it with the makefile provided and make it run!



Starting with the source code provided try to use properly the PETSc vectors:
- Duplicate a vector
- Create a vector
- Set some vector values (remember VecAssemblyXXX() calls!)
- Try some numerical operations

You can use as input data the files linked below:

va_200.bin   vb_200.bin

Starting with the source code provided try to use properly the PETSc matrices:
- Duplicate a matrix
- Create a matrix
- Set some matrix values (remember MatAssemblyXXX() calls!)
- Try some numerical operations

You can use as input data the files linked below:

mA_300x200.bin   mB_300x200.bin   mC_200x200.bin


Makefile (FERMI)

PETSC_ARCH = bgq-power
ALL: 1_petsc_hello 2_petsc_vec 3_petsc_mat
CFLAGS = -g -O0
CLEANFILES = 1_petsc_hello 2_petsc_vec 3_petsc_mat

include ${PETSC_DIR}/conf/variables
include ${PETSC_DIR}/conf/rules 1_petsc_hello: 1_petsc_hello.o chkopts -${CLINKER} -o 1_petsc_hello 1_petsc_hello.o ${PETSC_LIB} ${RM} 1_petsc_hello.o 2_petsc_vec: 2_petsc_vec.o chkopts -${CLINKER} -o 2_petsc_vec 2_petsc_vec.o ${PETSC_LIB} ${RM} 2_petsc_vec.o 3_petsc_mat: 3_petsc_mat.o chkopts -${CLINKER} -o 3_petsc_mat 3_petsc_mat.o ${PETSC_LIB} ${RM} 3_petsc_mat.o