Write a program that uses the ScaLAPACK routine PDGESV to solve the linear sistem Ax=b, where:
b(i) = 207-i
A(i,j) = 10000 if i=j
A(i,j) = i+j/2 if i≠j
Print the solutions vector with the routine PDLAPRNT
For a 10x10 system the solutions are:
1 0.02052855547
2 0.02041159784
3 0.02029460511
4 0.02017757726
5 0.02006051428
6 0.01994341614
7 0.01982628284
8 0.01970911435
9 0.01959191067
10 0.01947467177
Optional: after having verified that the 10x10 system solution in correct, you may want to try with a bigger system (for example, 1024x1024) and make some benchmark test, by looking at how does the time of execution change according to the number of processes involved.
Use the attached wrapper files as a basis for the exercise (C programmers only):
To compile (on Galileo): refer to the Blacs exercise