Dear Users,
in order to ensure the full functionality of the EnginFrame service with the new...
Dear Users,
the NVIDIA driver was successfully upgraded and, after the reboot of all the login...
Dear Users,
We remind you that an upgrade of the NVIDIA drivers on the login nodes and a...
Dear users,
we would like to inform you that due to manteinance operations a stop of the computing...
Dear Users,
an upgrade of the NVIDIA drivers on the login nodes and a modification of their X...
Dear Users,
due to a maintenance operation, the BigInsights platform will be temporarily not...
12th Call for Proposals for Project Access now open!
Proposals can be based on a 12-months schedule...
Dear Users,
The maintenance operations on Galileo are complete and the cluster is back to full...
In regard of the previous mail, the link of the national homepage for the event "Notte dei...
Dear Users,
We would like to inform you about the upcoming event "Notte dei Ricercatori", scheduled...