Dear Users,
The scheduled maintenance operations on Fermi are complete. The cluster is back to full...
Dear Users,
the problem observed yesterday on Fermi filesystems is currently being addressed...
Dear users,
the GPFS on Fermi machine is down causing the $HOME, $CINECA_SCRATCH and $WORK areas...
Dear Users,
We kindly remind you that tomorrow, Jan. 27th, Fermi will be under maintenance starting...
Dear Users,
We inform you that a new version of "saldo" command has been released on Galileo...
Dear Users,
We are experiencing some issues on Galileo that may affect the job's submission. We are...
Dear Users,
This is to inform you that Fermi will be stopped for a scheduled maintenance operation...
Dear Users,
We inform you that the long term archive area, $TAPE, could not be accessible in the...
Dear User,
Do you use supercomputers for your calculation and are you interested in a course which...
Dear Users,
We inform you that the long term archive area, $TAPE, could not be accessible today due...