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Perticoni Stefano

His main working interest is the Development of Scientific Visualization Applications to analyze extremely large datasets using distributed memory computing resources on HPC infrastructures.

He graduated in Electronics Engineering with Optoelectronics orientation at Politecnico di Milano in 2001 with the Thesis: “Development of an object-oriented library for the numerical solution of parabolic differential problems (Stefano Perticoni, Alessandro Veneziani, Fausto Saleri, Dicembre 2001)” featuring contributions to the Politecnico di Milano MOX ( http://mox.polimi.it ) LifeV parallel FEM library ( https://bitbucket.org/lifev-dev/lifev-release/wiki/Home ), an open source library for the numerical solution of partial differential equations with the Finite Element Method.

+39 051 6171 425
s.perticoni at cineca dot it