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Carpenè Michele

Degree in Computer Science Engineering received at the University of Bologna (Engineering Faculty), with specialization in robotics and automation.
Software Engineer with experience both in C++ and Java, at CINECA working as part of the Middleware team in international projects and on development of internal applications. Main tasks and expertises: Unix, C++, Java, Javascript, Web Services, UNICORE framework, PHP, MySQL, Ganglia, Drupal, Python, Angular, Liferay, Federated systems and data management, iRODS, OAuth2, SAML, Authentication and Authorization, Distributed systems.

Project manager with also roles of Project Coordinator in EU projects, and for internal software developments.

Main duties: oversight and coordinate people on different tasks including: federated AAI, Data management, Middleware services, Software development for web and non-web services. Also handle relations with Italian and European researchers and communities, contibuting to budget and procurements development.

+39 051 6171 730