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Gioiosa Silvia

I am a bioinformatician and data analyst for projects involving -omics data. Currently I'm working in the Data Value Group in CINECA.
I am CINECA's Local Technical coordinator for ELIXIR-ITA Node and focus on the efficient implementation and distribution of bioinformatics resources with a particular focus on High Performance Computing (HPC).

I am also involved in the delivery of training courses both in CINECA and in Sapienza University. My main research interests cover different aspects of High Throughput Sequencing technology data analysis, mainly applied to the development of automated data analysis workflows optimized for HPC in the fields of genomic variants, gene expression and non-coding RNAs. For a full list of scientific publications refer to my ORCID-ID (0000-0003-1302-8320).

+39 06 44486 056
s.gioiosa at cineca dot it