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How to reach CINECA - Bologna

Cineca is located in via Magnanelli, 6/3 - 40033 Casalecchio di Reno (Bologna).

For those with GPS, our coordinates are 44°29'09'' N, 11°15'36'' E.

From the Airport, the best way to reach Cineca is by taxi (around 13 Euro).
From the centre of Bologna you can reach Cineca:

  • by Taxi (around 15 Euro)  suggested
  • by Train:  the Suburban line train (direction Bazzano)  leaves at 15 minutes past each hour from platform 7 Ovest (West) at the Central Railway Station. Ceretolo is the closest stop to Cineca.
  • by Bus: from the centre of Bologna you can take bus number 20 and get off at the terminus, which is approx. 2 km far from CINECA.

Check Google maps for more information.


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