Dear Users,
We are proud to announce that GALILEO, the new Cineca Supercomputing Cluster, is on the...
Dear Users,
As announced, PLX cluster has been defenitely shut down today at about noon. The new...
Dear Colleague,
are you an advanced user of High performance computing using Open Foam for CFD...
Dear All,
This is to inform you all that, differently than announced before, PLX shutdown procedure...
Dear users,
PRACE will organize in 2015 again summer placements at HPC centres across Europe to...
Dear Users,
we inform you that at the end of January the cart_put and cart_new commands will be...
Dear Users,
as recently announced, the new Tier-1 CINECA cluster Galileo will be soon made...
Dear Users,
This is just a reminder that our current Tier-1 system,(PLX) will be substituted by...
Dear Users,
All maintenance operations on Fermi are over and the cluster is back to production.
Dear Users,
Fermi cluster will be stopped on Dec. 30th for planned maintenance operations. The stop...