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From 2021, the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) extracts regional observational data available in real-time from Meteo-Hub and uses them for the data assimilation of forecast models, enriching the existing observational database.

Meteo-Hub is the platform developed by Cineca for the European Project Mistral, which is consolidating its role as a national portal of meteorological open data with the collaboration of Arpae Emilia Romagna, Arpa Piemonte and the Italian Department of Civil Protection. Its goal is to provide citizens, public administration and private organizations, national and international, with observational and forecast meteorological data.

The European weather agency collects data from Meteo-Hub through a scheduled request that is activated every hour. With this request, both the institutional regional data and the Meteonetwork amateur network data, are extracted.

The use of observational data by ECMWF testifies to the added value that regional observational weather data acquire by sharing on Meteo-Hub.

Data from 15 regions plus the autonomous provinces of Trento and Bolzano are currently available on the platform for a total of 4447 weather stations. The data is updated sub-hourly every 20 minutes and immediately made available through the OBSERVATIONS graphic map where the user, even if not registered, can select and visualize in real time the trend of various parameters such as temperature, precipitation and wind speed.