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Marconi100 upgrade completed

Error message

Deprecated function: unserialize(): Passing null to parameter #1 ($data) of type string is deprecated in css_injector_init() (line 53 of /prod_service02/web-prod/hpc-web/sites/all/modules/css_injector/css_injector.module).

Dear Users,

The maintenance operations for Marconi100 have been completed and the cluster is now back to production.

At the end of the operations, the cluster has been updated to OS RedHat 8.1.1 . Therefore, the cluster underwent some important changes that may have an effect on your environment.

Please be aware of the following situations:
- when you try to login, it is possible that you will be rejected with a message about a change on the ECDSA host key. In that case, try to remove the file .ssh/known_hosts in your local workstation before attempting the login;
- python virtual environments may need to be rebuilt, especially if its usage involves the composition of graphs because the system libpng has been updated;
- the module environment has been updated in regards to applications. Modules contained in profile/chem-phys and profile/lifesc such as Vasp, Gromacs, Namd and QE are now in their most updated version, while the old modules can still be found in profile/archive;
- we are experiencing some problems when trying to login with RCM due to compatibility issues, and we are working on it.
- as announced, the module of Spectrum_mpi/10.4.0 will be soon added to profile/base, but we are still testing it.

As a general rule, if your applications are encountering problems that weren't present before the update, we suggest as a first approach to try to recompile your code with the new environment. 

HPC User Support - CINECA