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Mistral: the closing event


On 23 November 2020, as part of the initiatives organized in the context of the Researchers' Night, the final event of Mistral will be held online, organized by the project partners: Cineca, Arpae, Arpa Piemonte, Civil Protection Department, Dedagroup and ECMWF-European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts.
During the meeting, the functionalities of the portal will be presented: the observational data of the thirteen regions that have joined the project through the Department of National Civil Protection; data forecasting models; the results achieved; maps; downloads and all the features available on the portal. It will also be an opportunity to gather ideas to continue implementation in order to increase its usefulness and effectiveness for the entire community of potential users.

The MISTRAL project - Meteo Italian Supercomputing portal - as part of the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) Programme, within Telecommunications, has aimed to create an open data meteorological portal at national level that makes available to users observational data, weather forecasts and analyses, maps and numerical data produced by numerical modelling and its post processing. A national meteorological portal is proposed as a unique reference for accessing to meteorological information for national and international users, data providers and services.
The registration form is available here.