After the past good experiences at SC12, SC13, SC14, SC15, SC16 and SC17, also this year we'll be present at Supercomputing 2018 in Dallas, Texas, at booth #2047.
Meet our HPC experts for an overview of our activities and for talking about opportunities for collaboration and services.
On November 15 Cineca will also take part at the round table Data Analytics for System and Facility Energy Management.
Visit us November 12 to 16 and we'll tell you about the perspectives of development of HPC in Cineca and the Italian scientific community.
About SC18 "HPC inspires"
Imagine the possibilities. Unlike any time in history, HPC allows us to analyze many points of data to make groundbreaking discoveries in all fields of inquiry, connecting humanity to the world around us as never before.
HPC brings together computing systems and brilliant minds in the continuous pursuit of improving our world and deepening our understanding of our place in the cosmos.
If you would like to learn more about SC18, please visit SC18 website