PRACE and EUDAT both understand that the digital era offers new challenges and opportunities, requiring high-end HPC and Data Services for European researchers.
The 11th PRACE Call for Proposals for Project Access includes a pilot with EUDAT offering the possibility to couple EUDAT storage capacity to PRACE HPC resources.
EUDAT is providing data services and storage capability to researchers and communities for the benefit of scientific research in Europe.
Thanks to the collaboration with PRACE, applicants of the 11th call can request resources to deposit computational results either throughout or after the end of PRACE computational grants. Data deposited onto EUDAT resources will be available through different interfaces, including GridFTP, and maintained close to PRACE facilities, machines and network, to facilitate further usage and transmission.
EUDAT guarantees data storage, up to 1PB (approx 150TB per pilot) at one or several of the 12 EUDAT sites for at least 24 months after the end of the PRACE grant, free of charge. Further to the storage resources on offer and for its duration, EUDAT will facilitate integration and use of its pan European data services for finding, sharing, storing, replicating, staging and performing computations with primary and secondary research data.
In order to exploit this collaboration and request access to EUDAT resources, applicants should apply via the PRACE web site.
The 11th Call for proposals for PRACE Project Access (Tier-0) is open from 9 February 2015, 13:30 CET, until 18 March 2015, 12.00 (noon) CET.
Queries or further information on the EUDAT pilot can be addressed to