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The 2014 High Performance Computing & Simulation Conference


Cineca is the co-organizer of "The 2014 High Performance Computing & Simulation Conference" (HPCS 2014) on July 21-25, 2014 in Bologna (Savoia Hotel Regency).

The conference will include invited presentations by experts from academia, industry, and government as well as contributed paper presentations describing original work on the current state of research in high performance and large scale computing systems, their use in modeling and simulation, their design, performance and use, and their applications.

There will also be tutorial sessions, workshops, special sessions, demos, posters, panel discussions, doctoral colloquium, and exhibits.

Please note the deadlines:

  • Symposium, Workshop/Special Session Proposal Deadline ----  January 30, 2014
  • Tutorial/Demo/Panel Proposal Deadline ------------------------------  January 31, 2014
  • Paper and Poster Paper Submission Deadline ----------------------  March 11, 2014 
  • Notification of Acceptance -------------------------------------------------  April 08, 2014
  • Registration & Camera-Ready Manuscripts Due --------------------   May 06, 2014
  • Conference Dates -------------------------------------------------------------  July 21 - 25, 2014

Conference sponsorships are welcomed.

More info on http://hpcs2014.cisedu.info

Symposia: (all refereed archival papers.  may have different deadlines)
   SYM01: Cloud Computing and Services for HPC Systems (InterClouds-HPC 2014)
   SYM02: High Performance Mobile Computing and Wireless Networks (MCWN 2014)
   SYM03: Information Systems and Engineering (ISE 2014)
Workshops: (all refereed archival papers.  may have different deadlines)
   W01: Dependable Multi-Core Computing (DMCC 2014)
   W02: Optimization Issues in Energy Efficient Distributed Systems (OPTIM 2014)
   W03: Exploitation of Hardware Accelerators (WEHA 2014)
   W04: High Performance Interconnection Networks (HPIN 2014)
   W05: High Performance Platform Management (HPPM 2014)
   W06: New Algorithms and Programming Models for the Manycore Era (APMM 2014)
   W07: Modeling and Simulation of Peer-to-Peer Architectures and Systems (MOSPAS 2014)
   W08: Parallel Satisfiability Solving: SAT and beyond SAT, Parallel Solving on New Architectures (WPSS 2014 )
   W09: Autonomic and High Performance Computing (AHPC 2014)
   W10: Security and High Performance Computing Systems (SHPCS 2014)
   W11: Security and Performance in Cloud Computing (SPCLOUD 2014)
   W12: High-Performance and Distributed Computing for Financial Applications (HPDFA 2014)
   W13: Parallel Evolutionary Computation (PEC 2014)
   W14: Machine Learning, Pattern Recognition and Applications (MLPRA 2014)
   W15: Sensor Networks Theory and Applications for Environmental Issues (SeNTApE 2014)
   W16: HPC Systems for Biomedical, Bioinformatics, and Life Sciences (BILIS 2014)
   W17: High Performance Computing and Collaborative Networking for Real Time Agricultural Applications (AgrApps 2014)
   W18: Dynamic Reconfigurable Network-on-Chip (DRNoC 2014)
   W19: Fusion Distributed Applications (WFDA 2014)
   W20: Workshop on European Union Research Opportunities – Bid  (EURO-BW 2014)
   W21: Cellular Automata, Algorithms and Architectures (CAAA 2014)
   W22: Location-based Services and Applications in Ubiquitous Computing (LSAUC 2014)
   W23: Architecture-aware Simulation and Computing (AASC 2014)
   W24: Parallel and Grid Computing for Optimization (PGCO 2014)
Special Sessions: (all refereed archival papers.  may have different deadlines)
   SS01: Advances in Computational Methods in Electromagnetics (ACME 2014)
   SS02: Modeling and Simulation of Parallel Systems (MSPS 2014)
   SS03: High Performance Computing for Benchmarking (HPBench 2014)
   SS04: High Performance Parallel and Distributed Data Mining (HPPD-DM 2014)
   SS05: Compiler Optimizations and Architecture Features (HPCO 2014)
   SS06: Services Computing (SerCo 2014)
   SS07: Trusted Ubiquitous Networks & Multimedia Contents Protection (TUN-MM 2014)
   SS08: Digital Home Networks & Multimedia Contents Protection (DHN-MM 2014)