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Visit Cineca's booth (#957) at SC19 in Denver


After the past good experiences at SC12, SC13, SC14, SC15, SC16, SC17 and SC18, also this year we'll be present at Supercomputing 2019 in Denver, Colorado, at booth #957.

Meet our HPC experts for an overview of our activities and for talking about opportunities for collaboration and services.

On November 18th Cineca will take part at the workshop Evaluation and Benchmarking of Singularity MPI Containers on EU Research e-Infrastructure.

On November 19th Cineca will also take part at the Birds of a Feather Energy Efficiency Considerations for HPC Procurements.

Visit us November 18 to 21 and we'll tell you about the perspectives of development of HPC in Cineca and the Italian scientific community.

About SC19 "HPC is now"

HPC touches lives everywhere – every day. And today, our work in HPC is more essential than ever, driven by an urgent need to provide computational solutions for the world’s greatest challenges from precision medicine and agricultural technologies to autonomous vehicles in smart cities and renewable energy. The impact of HPC goes beyond traditional research boundaries to enhance our daily lives. Be part of the HPC revolution at SC19. The future is now. HPC is now.

If you would like to learn more about SC19, please visit SC19 website