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RDA Europe: Supporting early career researchers and scientists working with data


The Research Data Alliance is organising its 4th RDA Plenary Meeting, at De Meervaart Conference Centre, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 22 - 24 September 2014. The 4th Plenary concentrates on the theme ‘Reaping the Fruits’ and is about exploiting RDA’s work to date to its full potential as well as presenting the first outputs of the RDA working groups. The program will comprise of a mixture of keynotes, panels, networking, Working and Interest Groups as well as BoF sessions in topics ranging from agriculture to particle physics, from humanities to bioinformatics. All parts of the data lifecycle are addressed from foundational data terminology to data publication and re-use.

RDA Europe is offering travel and subsistence support to Early Career European Researchers & Scientists working with Data to attend the plenary meeting. The aim of this programme is to introduce European early career researchers & scientists to RDA, highlight what data scientists / practitioners are doing, leverage on Early Career Researchers & Scientists knowledge to support Plenary 4 activities and support the Working & Interest group activities.

Successful applicants will be:

  • invited to diplay a poster summarising their studies and areas of interest during the plenary meeting
  • assigned a working / interest group for which they are requested to attend the working meeting at the Plenary meeting
  • asked to take notes and provide a summary of the meeting for internal use by the group members
  • requested to write a publishable summary on the meeting to be posted as a blog / news piece on the RDA web site, referencing the applicant as the author directly 

Application & Evaluation Criteria

The applicants should satisfy the following criteria

  • Currently engaged in Bachelor, Masters, PhD or Post Doc studies
  • Study is conducted in a higher education or research institution based in Europe
  • Studies are of relevance & pertinence to RDA, and cover at least one of the Working or Interest Group subjects

Applications will be evaluated by members of the RDA Europe Consortium according to the following criteria:

  • Area of interest (as broad a coverage of the WG & IGs as possible)
  • Geographical Balance (try to establish a good European representation in the selection)
  • Linguistic Skills (good knowledge of English will be required to generate content) 

Financial  Contribution

The support programme will cover some costs (transport, Hotel, Registration Fee). For more info

Deadline and Notifications

Interested candidates are invited to complete the on-line application form by 30th June 2014 at 00:00CET. All candidates will be notified of the outcome of their application after 15th July 2014.