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OSM: 16-21 February 2020 - San Diego, USA


The Ocean Sciences Meeting (OSM) is the flagship conference for the ocean sciences and the larger ocean-connected community.  It is increasingly important to gather as a scientific community to raise awareness of the truly global dimension of the ocean, address environmental challenges, and set forth on a path towards a resilient planet.

The Ocean Sciences Meeting is taking place in San Diego, CA, USA from 16th to 21th of February.

Cineca is present at Ocean Sciences Meeting together with University of Bologna (lead) and CMCC with the poster "The Forecasting Model of the Environmental Dynamics of the Northern Adriatic Sea. Structure and Preliminary Results" of I. Scroccaro, M. Zavatarelli (University of Bologna), T. Lovato (CMCC), P. Lanucara (CINECA).

The simulations have been carried out on two CINECA Supercomputers systems:

  • Marconi Tier0 system (A2 partition)
  • Galileo Tier1 system

View the poster