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Machine learning for heliophysics


The EC Horizon 2020 AIDA project organizes a school on machine learning for heliophysics. During the school the new instruments developed during the AIDA project will be shown: AIDApy and AIDAdb. These tools are open source software and were designed to simplify the use of machine learning in any heliophysics application.

The school is sponsored by PRACE and will be online the 25-28 January 2022. Visit the official link for details on registrations.


The number of participants is limited to 25 students.
Applicants will be selected according to their experience, qualifications and scientific interest BASED ON WHAT WRITTEN IN THE REGISTRATION FORM.

Please use the "Reason for Participation" field for writing your background and for motivating your subscription.

This is the second school organized by the AIDA consortium, the first one is still visible here.