To support and strengthen the talent to produce technological innovation and to make research, to appraise the human capital and to increase the attraction of the Lombard territory through the exploitation of expertises and platforms for numerical modelling tools, Regione Lombardia started from 2010 a planning effort named LISA, Interdisciplinary Laboratory to Advanced Simulations.
Two different classes of proposals are available, the first is labeled “development” and the second “production”; the main characterization is the following:
A “production” project is characterized by a mature proposal, ready to run on the HPC machines, based on methods and software already tested, with duration 12 months and a request of core hours between 500.000 and 5.000.000.
A “development” project is a proposal with a low request of HPC resources, but a high impact on the development aspects of software and/or computational methods and/or on porting on CPU or GPGPU and a maximum duration of 6 months. In particular the applicant does not have to estimate the hours requested: CINECA will assign to the project an adequate amount of CPU hours. In the subsequent call the proponent of a development project is encouraged to submit a production project.