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Industrial Forum and Training for Materials Modelling


Date: 11-13 September 2013 --- Registration Closed

The development of simulation approaches for predictive, de-novo characterization and optimization of materials and device properties represents a grand challenge to European R&D. A unified, multi-disciplinary approach towards the deployment of models, tools, algorithms and simulation and visualization techniques is required to transform isolated solutions for specific problems into comprehensive, industry-ready platforms. There has been much progress in the development of such platforms but the transfer of the solutions from the laboratory and into the industrial setting is still limited despite the clear demand. To address this challenge the MMM@HPC project is organising a workshop which will bring together experts and researchers in industry, or those working on industrial applications, to share experience, knowledge and work together to find solutions to common problems.
The workshop will be followed by a one-day (optional) hands-on training session where participants will be able to try out the technology developed within the MMM@HPC project for materials modelling.
Registration --- Registration Closed
There is no fee for the workshop or the training session but for reasons of space registration is required.

Invited Speakers
Stefano Baroni, SISSA
Hyeonho Choi, Samsung
Mathias Gérard, CEA-LITEN
Christian Lennartz, BASF
Luigi Locatelli, ALTAIR
Luigi Occhipinti, ST Microelectronics
Yoann Olivier, Univ. of Mons
Yuichi Tokita, SONY
Valentina Tozzini, Istituto Nanoscienze CNR, NEST-Pisa
Alison Walker, Univ. of Bath
Claudio Zannoni, Univ. of Bologna

Organizing Committee
Andrew Emerson, CINECA
Francesco Falciano, CINECA
Claudio Arlandini, CINECA
Wolfgang Wenzel, KIT

Scientific Committee
David Beljonne, U. Mons
Thierry Deutsch, CEA
Vlasis Mavrantzas, U. Patras
Wolfgang Wenzel, KIT

The preliminary workshop programme is available here.

List of talks

Training session
Immediately after the workshop there will be a one day hands-on training session where participants will have the opportunity to experiment with materials modelling workflows developed within the MMM@HPC project.
The session will be guided by instructors from the project  consortium and participants are requested to bring laptops. Please indicate at the time of registration if you wish to attend the training session.

For more information about the training session, see here.

Dates and deadlines
·         Registration: Closed
·         Registration closing: 6th September 2013
·         Final Program: 6th September 2013
·         Workshop: 11-12th September 2013
·         Training session (optional): 13th September 2013

The workshop will be held at Hotel I Portici in central Bologna.

It is possible to stay at the conference venue (when booking please indicate that you are attending the workshop). Alternatively there are many hotels within walking distance in the city centre of Bologna. 

About Bologna
Bologna is a beautiful, well-preserved medieval city and capital of the Emilia-Romagna region in northern Italy. As well as home to a famous  cuisine, it is also at the centre of one of the most important industrial areas in Italy. Travel to the city and region is relatively easy thanks to its international airport, major railway station and close proximity to the national motorway network.

Contact Address
For further information about the workshop or training event please contact the organizers at corsi@cineca.it.