This important agreement provides a formal framework for a variety of joint activities carried out by CINECA specialists and INFN researchers, and makes available to INFN significant computing resources for the simulation of complex systems and for the analysis of large datasets coming from experiments and from numerical simulations.
The main areas of joint work foreseen by the agreement are experimentation of technologies and infrastructures for high performance computing and their use in numerical simulations, co-development of applications in the field of modeling and simulation, optimization and performance assessment of algorithms and codes for new generation systems, data management, post-processing and visualization; all these areas will benefit from the complementary know-how of the two Institutions.
Work has already started with an early-access program for INFN reasearchers to the Blue-Gene/Q supercomputer, recently installed at CINECA, and with a joint program that aims to port and optimize a class of simulation codes developed at INFN for prototype systems of many-core architectures already available at CINECA.
Based on an increasingly more sophisticated HPC infrastructure, the Supercomputing Department at CINECA looks forward to a path of collaboration with the most significant research entities in Italy and INFN is one key-players in this panorama.
This collaboration framework will enable INFN researchers and CINECA HPC specialists to work together, producing outstanding science results and coordinating their efforts to provide a coherent support to research, at the national and European level.