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EuroCC Italian Competence Center


The first call for applications to the Italian National Competence Center of the EuroCC project invites Italian companies and SMEs to submit innovative projects to access High Performance Computing infrastructure and know-how in order to increase their competitiveness.

The awarded companies and SMEs will have the opportunity to use World Class High Performance Computing infrastructures, with the possibility to have the support of maximum 1 FTE for technical consultancy in order to set and appropriately develop the objectives of the proposed project.

A minimum of 5 Grants will be awarded to the winning companies, 2 of which are reserved for SMEs.

The suggested duration of each project must be a maximum of 1 year. The only requirement to participate is to have the head office in Italy.

To register for the Call just write an email to registration-nccitaly@cineca.it with your name, last name and e-mail. You will receive (at the latest on the next business day) the indication to access the online application form.

All forms fields can be filled in Italian or English.

You can submit the application form online until 15th March 2021 h 17:00 (CET).