C # include <stdlib.h>
# include <stdio.h>
# include <math.h>
# include <fftw3.h>
int main ( void )
ptrdiff_t i;
const ptrdiff_t n = 1024;
fftw_complex *in;
fftw_complex *out;
fftw_complex *newout;
fftw_plan plan_backward;
fftw_plan plan_forward;
double cdiff, prec, diffr, diffi;
/* Create arrays. */
in = fftw_malloc ( sizeof ( fftw_complex ) * n );
out = fftw_malloc ( sizeof ( fftw_complex ) * n );
newout = fftw_malloc ( sizeof ( fftw_complex ) * n );
/* Initialize data */
for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ )
if (i >= (n/4-1) && (3*n/4-1))
in[i][0] = 1.;
in[i][1] = 0.;
in[i][0] = 0.;
in[i][1] = 0.;
/* Create plans. */
plan_forward = fftw_plan_dft_1d ( n, in, out, FFTW_FORWARD, FFTW_ESTIMATE );
plan_backward = fftw_plan_dft_1d ( n, out, newout, FFTW_BACKWARD, FFTW_ESTIMATE );
/* Compute transform (as many times as desired) */
fftw_execute ( plan_forward );
/* Normalization */
for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) {
out[i][0] = out[i][0]/n;
out[i][1] = out[i][1]/n;
/* Compute anti-transform */
fftw_execute ( plan_backward );
/* Check results */
prec = 1.0e-7;
cdiff = 0.;
for( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) {
diffr = fabs(in[i][0] - newout[i][0]);
diffi = fabs(in[i][1] - newout[i][1]);
if ( cdiff < diffr) {
cdiff = diffr;
if( cdiff < diffi) {
cdiff = diffi;
printf("max diff =%g\n",cdiff);
if(cdiff > prec)
printf("Results are incorrect\n");
printf("Results are correct\n");
/* Print results */
for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ )
printf("i = %d, in = (%f), out = (%f,%f), newout = (%f)\n",i,in[i][0],out[i][0],out[i][1],newout[i][0]);
/* deallocate and destroy plans */
fftw_destroy_plan ( plan_forward );
fftw_destroy_plan ( plan_backward );
fftw_free ( in );
fftw_free ( newout );
fftw_free ( out );
return 0;
use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding
implicit none
include 'fftw3.f03'
integer(C_INTPTR_T):: L = 1024
integer(C_INT) :: LL
type(C_PTR) :: plan1, plan2
type(C_PTR) :: p_idata, p_odata, p_newdata
real, parameter :: prec = 1.0e-7
real :: cdiff, diff
complex(C_DOUBLE_COMPLEX), dimension(:), pointer :: odata
complex(C_DOUBLE), dimension(:), pointer :: idata, newdata
integer :: i
character(len=41), parameter :: filename='serial_data_optim.txt'
!! Allocate
LL = int(L,C_INT)
p_idata = fftw_alloc_complex(L)
p_odata = fftw_alloc_complex(L)
p_newdata = fftw_alloc_complex(L)
call c_f_pointer(p_idata,idata,(/L/))
call c_f_pointer(p_odata,odata,(/L/))
call c_f_pointer(p_newdata,newdata,(/L/))
!! create MPI plan for in-place forward DF
plan1 = fftw_plan_dft_1d(LL, idata, odata, FFTW_FORWARD, FFTW_ESTIMATE)
plan2 = fftw_plan_dft_1d(LL, odata, newdata, FFTW_BACKWARD,FFTW_ESTIMATE)
!! initialize data
do i = 1, L
if ( (i .ge. (L/4)) .and. (i .le. (3*L/4)) ) then
idata(i) = (1.,0.)
idata(i) = (0.,0.)
end do
!! compute transform (as many times as desired)
call fftw_execute_dft(plan1, idata, odata)
!! Normalizzation
odata = odata/L
!! Compute anti-transform
call fftw_execute_dft(plan2, odata, newdata)
!! Check data
cdiff =0.
do i = 1, L
diff = abs(idata(i) - newdata(i))
if(cdiff .lt. diff) then
cdiff = diff
end do
write(*,*) 'Cdiff_max =', cdiff
if(cdiff .gt. (prec)) then
write(*,*) 'Results are incorrect:'
write(*,*) 'Results are correct!'
!! print data
do i = 1, L
write(45,*) i, idata(i),odata(i),newdata(i)
end do
!! deallocate and destroy plans
call fftw_destroy_plan(plan1)
call fftw_destroy_plan(plan2)
call fftw_free(p_idata)
call fftw_free(p_odata)
call fftw_free(p_newdata)
For compilation (on FERMI):
# rm job.* MPI_Test
module purge
module load autoload fftw/3.3.2--bgq-xl--1.0 bgq-xl/1.0
# fortran
bgxlf2003_r -O3 -qstrict -qarch=qp -qtune=qp -I$FFTW3_INCLUDE Es_1.f90 -L$FFTW3_LIB -lfftw3f -lfftw3 -lm -o Es-1
# C
bgxlc_r -O3 -qstrict -qarch=qp -qtune=qp -I$FFTW3_INCLUDE Es_1.c -L$FFTW3_LIB -lfftw3f -lfftw3 -lm -o Es_1
For compilation (on EURORA):
module purge
module load autoload profile/advanced
module load fftw/3.3.3--openmpi--1.6.4--intel--cs-xe-2013--binary
# fortran
ifort -O3 -fpp -I. -I$FFTW_INC es1.f90 -L$FFTW_LIB -lfftw3 -o Es_1
# C
icc -O3 -I. -I$FFTW_INC es1.c -L$FFTW_LIB -lfftw3 -o Es_1